X-Git-Url: http://git.sameswireless.fr/l2tpns.git/blobdiff_plain/a685501f6432b2cd8cd23ced906abcb2d2ce862f..9da560ae8ef7f5a1c98884183440e36eb7fb0c15:/l2tpns.h?ds=inline

diff --git a/l2tpns.h b/l2tpns.h
index a8e2d9a..1ce46a3 100644
--- a/l2tpns.h
+++ b/l2tpns.h
@@ -1,50 +1,82 @@
 // L2TPNS Global Stuff
-// $Id: l2tpns.h,v 1.80 2005-06-28 14:48:27 bodea Exp $
+// $Id: l2tpns.h,v 1.121 2009-12-08 14:49:28 bodea Exp $
 #ifndef __L2TPNS_H__
 #define __L2TPNS_H__
 #include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <execinfo.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <net/ethernet.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <arpa/inet.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <libcli.h>
-#define VERSION	"2.1.2"
+#define VERSION	"2.2.1"
 // Limits
 #define MAXTUNNEL	500		// could be up to 65535
+#define MAXBUNDLE	300		// could be up to 65535
+#define MAXBUNDLESES	12		// Maximum number of member links in bundle
+#define MAXADDRESS	20		// Maximum length for the Endpoint Discrminiator address
 #define MAXSESSION	60000		// could be up to 65535
 #define MAXTBFS		6000		// Maximum token bucket filters. Might need up to 2 * session.
+#define MAXSESSINGRP	12		// Maximum number of member links in grouped session
+#define MAXGROUPE		300	// could be up to 65535, Maximum number of grouped session
+#define MAXROUTEINGRP	15		// max static routes per group
+// Tunnel Id reserved for pppoe
+#define TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE	1
 #define RADIUS_SHIFT	6
 #define RADIUS_MASK	((1 << RADIUS_SHIFT) - 1)
 #define MAXRADIUS	(1 << (8 + RADIUS_SHIFT))
 #define T_UNDEF		(0xffff)	// A tunnel ID that won't ever be used. Mark session as undefined.
 #define T_FREE		(0)		// A tunnel ID that won't ever be used. Mark session as free.
-#define	MAXCONTROL	1000		// max length control message we ever send...
-#define	MAXETHER	(1500+18)	// max packet we try sending to tun
-#define	MAXTEL		96		// telephone number
+#define MAXCONTROL	1000		// max length control message we ever send...
+#define MINMTU		576		// minimum recommended MTU (rfc1063)
+#define MAXMTU		2600		// arbitrary maximum MTU
+#define PPPoE_MRU	1492		// maximum PPPoE MRU (rfc2516: 1500 less PPPoE header (6) and PPP protocol ID (2))
+#define MAXETHER	(MAXMTU+18)	// max packet we try sending to tun
+#define MAXTEL		96		// telephone number
+#define MAXHOSTNAME	256		// hostname
 #define MAXUSER		128		// username
 #define MAXPASS		128		// password
+#define MAXCLASS	128		// radius class attribute size
 #define MAXPLUGINS	20		// maximum number of plugins to load
 #define MAXRADSERVER	10		// max radius servers
-#define	MAXROUTE	10		// max static routes per session
+#define MAXROUTE	10		// max static routes per session
 #define MAXIPPOOL	131072		// max number of ip addresses in pool
 #define RINGBUFFER_SIZE	10000		// Number of ringbuffer entries to allocate
 #define MAX_LOG_LENGTH	512		// Maximum size of log message
-#define ECHO_TIMEOUT	60		// Time between last packet sent and LCP ECHO generation
-#define IDLE_TIMEOUT	240		// Time between last packet sent and LCP ECHO generation
+#define ECHO_TIMEOUT	10		// Time between last packet sent and LCP ECHO generation
+#define IDLE_ECHO_TIMEOUT	240		// Time between last packet seen and session shutdown
 #define BUSY_WAIT_TIME	3000		// 5 minutes in 1/10th seconds to wait for radius to cleanup on shutdown
-#define DEFAULT_MRU	1452		// maximum packet size to avoid fragmentation when LNS ethernet MTU is 1500
+#define MP_BEGIN        0x80            // This value is used when (b)egin bit is set in MP header
+#define MP_END          0x40            // This value is used when (e)nd bit is set in MP header
+#define MP_BOTH_BITS    0xC0            // This value is used when both bits (begin and end) are set in MP header
+#define MINFRAGLEN	64		// Minumum fragment length
+#define MAXFRAGLEN	1496	// Maximum length for Multilink fragment (The multilink may contain only one link)
+#define MAXFRAGNUM	512		// Maximum number of Multilink fragment in a bundle (must be in the form of 2^X)
+					// it's not expected to have a space for more than 10 unassembled packets = 10 * MAXBUNDLESES
+#define	MAXFRAGNUM_MASK	(MAXFRAGNUM - 1)		// Must be equal to MAXFRAGNUM-1
+// Multi bind address constants
+#define MAX_UDPFD 4
+// + 1 for the LAC Hostname
+// 4 + 1 for the udplac
+#define INIT_TABUDPFD {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}
+#define INIT_TABUDPVAR {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
 // Constants
 #ifndef ETCDIR
@@ -72,20 +104,20 @@
 #define CONFIGFILE	FLASHDIR "/startup-config"	// Configuration file
 #define CLIUSERS	FLASHDIR "/users"		// CLI Users file
 #define IPPOOLFILE	FLASHDIR "/ip_pool"		// Address pool configuration
-#define ACCT_TIME	3000		// 5 minute accounting interval
-#define ACCT_SHUT_TIME	600		// 1 minute for counters of shutdown sessions
-#define	L2TPPORT	1701		// L2TP port
-#define RADPORT		1645		// old radius port...
-#define DAEPORT		3799		// DAE port
-#define	PKTARP		0x0806		// ARP packet type
-#define	PKTIP		0x0800		// IPv4 packet type
-#define	PKTIPV6		0x86DD		// IPv6 packet type
-#define	PPPPAP		0xC023
-#define	PPPCHAP		0xC223
-#define	PPPLCP		0xC021
-#define	PPPIPCP		0x8021
-#define	PPPIPV6CP	0x8057
-#define	PPPCCP		0x80FD
+#define ACCT_TIME	3000				// 5 minute accounting interval
+#define ACCT_SHUT_TIME	600				// 1 minute for counters of shutdown sessions
+#define L2TPPORT	1701				// L2TP port
+#define RADPORT		1645				// old radius port...
+#define DAEPORT		3799				// DAE port
+#define PKTARP		0x0806				// ARP packet type
+#define PKTIP		0x0800				// IPv4 packet type
+#define PKTIPV6		0x86DD				// IPv6 packet type
+#define PPPPAP		0xC023
+#define PPPCHAP		0xC223
+#define PPPLCP		0xC021
+#define PPPIPCP		0x8021
+#define PPPIPV6CP	0x8057
+#define PPPCCP		0x80FD
 #define PPPIP		0x0021
 #define PPPIPV6		0x0057
 #define PPPMP		0x003D
@@ -121,9 +153,73 @@ enum {
+// PPP phases
+enum {
+    	Dead,
+	Establish,
+	Authenticate,
+	Network,
+	Terminate
+// PPP states
+enum {
+	Initial,
+	Starting,
+	Closed,
+	Stopped,
+	Closing,
+	Stopping,
+	RequestSent,
+	AckReceived,
+	AckSent,
+	Opened
+// reset state machine counters
+#define initialise_restart_count(_s, _fsm)			\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.conf_sent =				\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.nak_sent = 0
+// no more attempts
+#define zero_restart_count(_s, _fsm) ({				\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.conf_sent =				\
+		config->ppp_max_configure;			\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.restart =				\
+		time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;		\
+// increment ConfReq counter and reset timer
+#define restart_timer(_s, _fsm) ({				\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.conf_sent++;			\
+	sess_local[_s]._fsm.restart =				\
+		time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;		\
+// stop timer on change to state where timer does not run
+#define change_state(_s, _fsm, _new) ({				\
+	if (_new != session[_s].ppp._fsm)			\
+	{ 							\
+		switch (_new)					\
+		{						\
+		case Initial:					\
+		case Starting:					\
+		case Closed:					\
+		case Stopped:					\
+		case Opened:					\
+			sess_local[_s]._fsm.restart = 0;	\
+			initialise_restart_count(_s, _fsm);	\
+		}						\
+		session[_s].ppp._fsm = _new;			\
+		cluster_send_session(_s);			\
+	}							\
 // Types
 typedef uint16_t sessionidt;
+typedef uint16_t bundleidt;
 typedef uint16_t tunnelidt;
+typedef uint16_t groupidt;
 typedef uint32_t clockt;
 typedef uint8_t hasht[16];
@@ -156,7 +252,7 @@ struct cli_tunnel_actions {
 typedef struct			// route
 	in_addr_t ip;
-	in_addr_t mask;
+	int prefixlen;
@@ -168,18 +264,39 @@ typedef struct controls		// control message
+typedef struct {
+	uint8_t length;			// Endpoint Discriminator length
+	uint8_t addr_class;		// Endpoint Discriminator class
+	uint8_t address[MAXADDRESS];	// Endpoint Discriminator address
+} epdist;
+typedef struct {
+	sessionidt sid;			// Fragment originating session
+	tunnelidt tid;			// Fragment originating tunnel
+	uint8_t	flags;			// MP frame flags
+	uint32_t seq;			// fragment seq num
+	uint32_t jitteravg;
+        uint16_t length;                // Fragment length
+        uint8_t data[MAXFRAGLEN];       // Fragment data
+} fragmentt;
 typedef struct
 	sessionidt next;		// next session in linked list
 	sessionidt far;			// far end session ID
 	tunnelidt tunnel;		// near end tunnel ID
-	uint8_t l2tp_flags;		// various bit flags from the ICCN on the l2tp tunnel.
-	uint8_t flags;			// Various session flags.
+	uint8_t flags;			// session flags: see SESSION_*
+	struct {
+		uint8_t phase;		// PPP phase
+		uint8_t lcp:4;		//   LCP    state
+		uint8_t ipcp:4;		//   IPCP   state
+		uint8_t ipv6cp:4;	//   IPV6CP state
+		uint8_t ccp:4;		//   CCP    state
+	} ppp;
+	uint16_t mru;			// maximum receive unit
 	in_addr_t ip;			// IP of session set by RADIUS response (host byte order).
 	int ip_pool_index;		// index to IP pool
 	uint32_t unique_id;		// unique session id
-	uint16_t nr;			// next receive
-	uint16_t ns;			// next send
 	uint32_t magic;			// ppp magic number
 	uint32_t pin, pout;		// packet counts
 	uint32_t cin, cout;		// byte counts
@@ -189,36 +306,99 @@ typedef struct
 	uint16_t throttle_out;		// downstream throttle rate
 	uint8_t filter_in;		// input filter index (to ip_filters[N-1]; 0 if none)
 	uint8_t filter_out;		// output filter index
-	uint16_t mru;			// maximum receive unit
+	uint16_t snoop_port;		// Interception destination port
+	in_addr_t snoop_ip;		// Interception destination IP
 	clockt opened;			// when started
 	clockt die;			// being closed, when to finally free
+	uint32_t session_timeout;	// Maximum session time in seconds
+	uint32_t idle_timeout;		// Maximum idle time in seconds
 	time_t last_packet;		// Last packet from the user (used for idle timeouts)
+	time_t last_data;		// Last data packet to/from the user (used for idle timeouts)
 	in_addr_t dns1, dns2;		// DNS servers
 	routet route[MAXROUTE];		// static routes
 	uint16_t tbf_in;		// filter bucket for throttling in from the user.
 	uint16_t tbf_out;		// filter bucket for throttling out to the user.
 	int random_vector_length;
-	char random_vector[MAXTEL];
-	char user[MAXUSER];		// user (needed in seesion for radius stop messages)
+	uint8_t random_vector[MAXTEL];
+	char user[MAXUSER];		// user (needed in session for radius stop messages)
 	char called[MAXTEL];		// called number
 	char calling[MAXTEL];		// calling number
 	uint32_t tx_connect_speed;
 	uint32_t rx_connect_speed;
-	in_addr_t snoop_ip;		// Interception destination IP
-	uint16_t snoop_port;		// Interception destination port
+	clockt timeout;                 // Session timeout
+	uint32_t mrru;                  // Multilink Max-Receive-Reconstructed-Unit
+	epdist epdis;                   // Multilink Endpoint Discriminator
+	bundleidt bundle;               // Multilink Bundle Identifier
+	uint8_t mssf;                   // Multilink Short Sequence Number Header Format
 	uint8_t walled_garden;		// is this session gardened?
+	uint8_t classlen;		// class (needed for radius accounting messages)
+	char class[MAXCLASS];
 	uint8_t ipv6prefixlen;		// IPv6 route prefix length
 	struct in6_addr ipv6route;	// Static IPv6 route
-	char reserved[16];		// Space to expand structure without changing HB_VERSION
+	sessionidt forwardtosession;	// LNS id_session to forward
+	uint8_t src_hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];	// MAC addr source (for pppoe sessions 6 bytes)
+	char reserved[4];				// Space to expand structure without changing HB_VERSION
-#define SF_IPCP_ACKED	1	// Has this session seen an IPCP Ack?
-#define SF_LCP_ACKED	2	// LCP negotiated
-#define SF_CCP_ACKED	4	// CCP negotiated
-#define SF_IPV6CP_ACKED	8	// IPv6 negotiated
-#define SF_IPV6_NACKED	16	// IPv6 rejected
-#define SF_IPV6_ROUTED	32	// advertised v6 route
+typedef struct
+	uint32_t tx_rate;
+	uint32_t prev_coutgrp;
+	sessionidt sid;
+	uint8_t weight;
+typedef struct
+	int state;				// current state (groupestate enum)
+	uint32_t time_changed;
+	groupidt prev;
+	sessionidt smax;
+	sessionidt smin;
+	groupsesslistt sesslist[MAXSESSINGRP];
+	routet route[MAXROUTEINGRP];		// static routes
+	uint8_t nbroutesgrp;
+	uint8_t nbsession;
+union iphash
+	sessionidt sess;
+	union iphash *idx;
+};			// Mapping from IP address to session structures.
+typedef struct
+        int state;                              // current state (bundlestate enum)
+        uint32_t seq_num_t;                     // Sequence Number (transmission)
+        uint32_t timeout;                       // Session-Timeout for bundle
+	uint32_t max_seq;			// Max value of sequence number field
+        uint8_t num_of_links;                   // Number of links joint to this bundle
+        uint32_t online_time;                   // The time this bundle is online
+        clockt last_check;                      // Last time the timeout is checked
+        uint32_t mrru;                          // Multilink Max-Receive-Reconstructed-Unit
+        uint8_t mssf;                           // Multilink Short Sequence Number Header Format
+        epdist epdis;                           // Multilink Endpoint Discriminator
+        char user[MAXUSER];                     // Needed for matching member links
+        sessionidt current_ses;                 // Current session to use for sending (used in RR load-balancing)
+        sessionidt members[MAXBUNDLESES];       // Array for member links sessions
+typedef struct
+	fragmentt fragment[MAXFRAGNUM];
+	uint8_t reassembled_frame[MAXETHER];    // The reassembled frame
+	uint16_t re_frame_len;                  // The reassembled frame length
+	uint16_t re_frame_begin_index, re_frame_end_index;	// reassembled frame begin index, end index respectively
+	uint16_t start_index, end_index;	// start and end sequence numbers available on the fragments array respectively
+	uint32_t M;				// Minumum frame sequence number received over all bundle members
+	uint32_t start_seq;                     // Last received frame sequence number (bearing B bit)
 #define AUTHPAP		1	// allow PAP
 #define AUTHCHAP	2	// allow CHAP
@@ -233,6 +413,31 @@ typedef struct
 	uint32_t cin;
 	uint32_t cout;
+	// PPP restart timer/counters
+	struct {
+		time_t restart;
+		int conf_sent;
+		int nak_sent;
+	} lcp, ipcp, ipv6cp, ccp;
+	// identifier for Protocol-Reject, Code-Reject
+	uint8_t lcp_ident;
+	// authentication to use
+	int lcp_authtype;
+	// our MRU
+	uint16_t ppp_mru;
+	// our MRRU
+	uint16_t mp_mrru;
+	// our mssf
+	uint16_t mp_mssf;
+	// our Endpoint Discriminator
+	in_addr_t mp_epdis;
 	// DoS prevention
 	clockt last_packet_out;
 	uint32_t packets_out;
@@ -243,12 +448,25 @@ typedef struct
 	// interim RADIUS
 	time_t last_interim;
+	// last LCP Echo
+	time_t last_echo;
+	// Last Multilink frame sequence number received
+	uint32_t last_seq;
+	// jitter average of the session
+	uint32_t jitteravg;
+	// time in milliseconds of the last fragment.
+	uint64_t prev_time;
 } sessionlocalt;
-#define	SESSIONPFC	1	// PFC negotiated flags
-#define	SESSIONACFC	2	// ACFC negotiated flags
+// session flags
+#define SESSION_PFC	(1 << 0)	// use Protocol-Field-Compression
+#define SESSION_ACFC	(1 << 1)	// use Address-and-Control-Field-Compression
+#define SESSION_STARTED	(1 << 2)	// RADIUS Start record sent
-// 168 bytes per tunnel
+// 328 bytes per tunnel
 typedef struct
 	tunnelidt far;		// far end tunnel ID
@@ -259,7 +477,7 @@ typedef struct
 	uint16_t ns;		// next send
 	int state;		// current state (tunnelstate enum)
 	clockt last;		// when last control message sent (used for resend timeout)
-	clockt retry;		// when to try resenting pending control
+	clockt retry;		// when to try resending pending control
 	clockt die;		// being closed, when to finally free
 	clockt lastrec;		// when the last control message was received
 	char hostname[128];	// tunnel hostname
@@ -268,21 +486,25 @@ typedef struct
 	uint16_t controlc;	// outstaind messages in queue
 	controlt *controls;	// oldest message
 	controlt *controle;	// newest message
+	uint16_t isremotelns;	// != 0 if the tunnel is to remote LNS (== index on the conf remote lns)
+	uint16_t indexudp;	// Index UDP file handle (in udpfd[])
+	char reserved[12];		// Space to expand structure without changing HB_VERSION
-// 180 bytes per radius session
+// 164 bytes per radius session
 typedef struct			// outstanding RADIUS requests
 	sessionidt session;	// which session this applies to
 	hasht auth;		// request authenticator
 	clockt retry;		// when to try next
-	char calling[MAXTEL];	// calling number
 	char pass[129];		// password
 	uint8_t id;		// ID for PPP response
 	uint8_t try;		// which try we are on
 	uint8_t state;		// state of radius requests
 	uint8_t chap;		// set if CHAP used (is CHAP identifier)
+	uint8_t term_cause;	// Stop record: Acct-Terminate-Cause
+	char const *term_msg;	//   terminate reason
@@ -323,16 +545,40 @@ enum
 	TUNNELUNDEF,		// Undefined
+	BUNDLEFREE,		// Not in use
+	BUNDLEOPEN,		// Active bundle
+	BUNDLEUNDEF,		// Undefined
+	GROUPEFREE,		// Not in use
+	GROUPEOPEN,		// Active bundle
+	GROUPEUNDEF		// Undefined
+	NULLCLASS = 0,		//End Point Discriminator classes
 	RADIUSNULL,             // Not in use
 	RADIUSCHAP,             // sending CHAP down PPP
 	RADIUSAUTH,             // sending auth to RADIUS server
-	RADIUSIPCP,             // sending IPCP to end user
 	RADIUSSTART,            // sending start accounting to RADIUS server
 	RADIUSSTOP,             // sending stop accounting to RADIUS server
 	RADIUSINTERIM,		// sending interim accounting to RADIUS server
 	RADIUSWAIT,		// waiting timeout before available, in case delayed replies
+	RADIUSJUSTAUTH,         // sending auth to RADIUS server, just authentication, no ip assigning
 struct Tstats
@@ -391,6 +637,7 @@ struct Tstats
     uint32_t	call_sessionbyuser;
     uint32_t	call_sendarp;
     uint32_t	call_sendipcp;
+    uint32_t	call_sendipv6cp;
     uint32_t	call_processipv6cp;
     uint32_t	call_tunnelsend;
     uint32_t	call_sessionkill;
@@ -436,6 +683,10 @@ struct Tstats
 #define SET_STAT(x, y)
+#ifndef IFNAMSIZ
+# define IFNAMSIZ 16
 typedef struct
 	int		debug;				// debugging level
@@ -451,12 +702,18 @@ typedef struct
 	int		reload_config;			// flag to re-read config (set by cli)
 	int		multi_read_count;		// amount of packets to read per fd in processing loop
-	char		tundevice[10];			// tun device name
+	char		tundevicename[IFNAMSIZ];		// tun device name
 	char		log_filename[128];
-	char		l2tpsecret[64];
+	char		l2tp_secret[64];		// L2TP shared secret
+	int		l2tp_mtu;			// MTU of interface used for L2TP
 	char		random_device[256];		// random device path, defaults to RANDOMDEVICE
+	int		ppp_restart_time;		// timeout for PPP restart
+	int		ppp_max_configure;		// max lcp configure requests to send
+	int		ppp_max_failure;		// max lcp configure naks to send
 	char		radiussecret[64];
 	int		radius_accounting;
 	int		radius_interim;
@@ -464,13 +721,16 @@ typedef struct
 	uint16_t	radiusport[MAXRADSERVER];	// radius base ports
 	uint8_t		numradiusservers;		// radius server count
-	uint16_t	radius_dae_port;		// local port for radius dae
+	uint16_t	radius_dae_port;		// port for radius DAE
+	uint16_t	radius_bind_min;		// port range for udp sockets used to send/recv radius packets
+	uint16_t	radius_bind_max;
 	char		radius_authtypes_s[32];		// list of valid authentication types (chap, pap) in order of preference
 	int		radius_authtypes;
 	int		radius_authprefer;
 	int		allow_duplicate_users;		// allow multiple logins with the same username
+	int		kill_timedout_sessions;		// kill authenticated sessions with "session_timeout == 0"
 	in_addr_t	default_dns1, default_dns2;
@@ -478,11 +738,11 @@ typedef struct
 	int		num_tbfs;			// number of throttle buckets
 	char		accounting_dir[128];
+	int		account_all_origin; // Accouting all origin (LAC data + Remote LNS Data + PPPOE data)
 	in_addr_t	bind_address;
 	in_addr_t	peer_address;
 	int		send_garp;			// Set to true to garp for vip address on startup
-	int		target_uid;
 	int		dump_speed;
 	char		plugins[64][MAXPLUGINS];
 	char		old_plugins[64][MAXPLUGINS];
@@ -493,6 +753,7 @@ typedef struct
 	int		lock_pages;			// Lock pages into memory.
 	int		icmp_rate;			// Max number of ICMP unreachable per second to send
 	int		max_packets;			// DoS prevention: per session limit of packets/0.1s
+	char		epdis_addr[20];			// MP Endpoint Discriminator address
 	in_addr_t	cluster_address;		// Multicast address of cluster.
 							// Send to this address to have everyone hear.
@@ -504,13 +765,18 @@ typedef struct
 	int		cluster_seq_number;		// Sequence number of the next heartbeat we'll send out
 							// (or the seq number we're next expecting if we're a slave).
 	int		cluster_undefined_sessions;	// How many sessions we're yet to receive from the master.
+	int		cluster_undefined_bundles;	// How many bundles we're yet to receive from the master.
 	int		cluster_undefined_tunnels;	// How many tunnels we're yet to receive from the master.
+	int		cluster_undefined_groupes;	// How many groupes we're yet to receive from the master.
 	int		cluster_highest_sessionid;
+	int		cluster_highest_bundleid;
+	int		cluster_highest_groupeid;
 	int		cluster_highest_tunnelid;
 	clockt		cluster_last_hb;		// Last time we saw a heartbeat from the master.
 	int		cluster_last_hb_ver;		// Heartbeat version last seen from master
 	int		cluster_num_changes;		// Number of changes queued.
+	int		cluster_mcast_ttl;		// TTL for multicast packets
 	int		cluster_hb_interval;		// How often to send a heartbeat.
 	int		cluster_hb_timeout;		// How many missed heartbeats trigger an election.
 	uint64_t	cluster_table_version;		// # state changes processed by cluster
@@ -520,6 +786,10 @@ typedef struct
 	int		cluster_master_min_adv;		// Master advertises routes while the number of up to date
 							// slaves is less than this value.
+	in_addr_t	cli_bind_address;		// bind address for CLI
+	char		hostname[MAXHOSTNAME];	// hostname (overridden by -h on command line)
+	// Guest change
+	char            guest_user[MAXUSER];            // Guest account username
 #ifdef BGP
 #define BGP_NUM_PEERS	2
@@ -529,11 +799,41 @@ typedef struct
 	    	uint16_t as;
 		int keepalive;
 		int hold;
+		struct in_addr update_source;
 	} neighbour[BGP_NUM_PEERS];
+	in_addr_t	nexthop_address;
+	struct in6_addr	nexthop6_address;
+	int echo_timeout; // Time between last packet sent and LCP ECHO generation
+	int idle_echo_timeout; // Time between last packet seen and
+						   // Drop sessions who have not responded within IDLE_ECHO_TIMEOUT seconds
+	in_addr_t iftun_address;
+	int disable_lac_func;
+	int auth_tunnel_change_addr_src;
+	int highest_rlnsid;
+	uint16_t bind_portremotelns;
+	in_addr_t bind_address_remotelns;
+	char pppoe_if_to_bind[IFNAMSIZ];	// Name pppoe interface to bind
+	char pppoe_service_name[64];	// pppoe service name
+	char pppoe_ac_name[64];
+	uint8_t pppoe_hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];	// MAC addr of interface pppoe to bind
+	int pppoe_only_equal_svc_name; // Accept only PADI with service-name equal to server
+	int disable_sending_hello; // Disable l2tp sending HELLO message for Apple compatibility.
+	int disable_no_spoof; // Disable no spoof (permit load balancing client --> internet)
+	int nbudpfd; // number UDP file handle
+	int nbmultiaddress; // number multi address to bind
+	int indexlacudpfd;	// Index UDP LAC file handle (in udpfd[])
+	int nbmultihostname;	// number hostname, normally the same number as the nbudpfd
+	int grp_txrate_average_time; // caculation txrate average time (default 10s)
+	in_addr_t bind_n_address[MAX_BINDADDR];
+	in_addr_t iftun_n_address[MAX_BINDADDR];
+	char bind_multi_address[256];
+	char multi_hostname[512];
+	char multi_n_hostname[MAX_NBHOSTNAME][MAXHOSTNAME];	// list hostname
 } configt;
-enum config_typet { INT, STRING, UNSIGNED_LONG, SHORT, BOOL, IPv4, IPv6, MAC };
+enum config_typet { INT, STRING, UNSIGNED_LONG, SHORT, BOOL, IPv4, IPv6 };
 typedef struct
 	char *key;
@@ -594,23 +894,68 @@ typedef struct
 	int used;		// session ref count
 } ip_filtert;
+// CDN result/error codes
+#define CDN_NONE			0, 0
+#define CDN_TRY_ANOTHER			2, 7
+#define CDN_ADMIN_DISC			3, 0
+#define CDN_UNAVAILABLE			4, 0
+// RADIUS Acct-Terminate-Cause values
+#define TERM_ADMIN_RESET		6
+#define TERM_PORT_ERROR			8
+#define TERM_NAS_ERROR			9
+#define TERM_NAS_REQUEST		10
+#define TERM_NAS_REBOOT			11
+#define TERM_CALLBACK			16
+#define TERM_USER_ERROR			17
+#define TERM_HOST_REQUEST		18
+#define TERM_PORT_REINIT		21
+// on slaves, alow BGP to withdraw cleanly before exiting
+#define QUIT_DELAY	5
+// quit actions (master)
+#define QUIT_FAILOVER	1 // SIGTERM: exit when all control messages have been acked (for cluster failover)
+#define QUIT_SHUTDOWN	2 // SIGQUIT: shutdown sessions/tunnels, reject new connections
 // arp.c
 void sendarp(int ifr_idx, const unsigned char* mac, in_addr_t ip);
 // ppp.c
-void processpap(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processchap(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processlcp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processipcp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processipv6cp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processipin(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processipv6in(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void processccp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
-void sendchap(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s);
-uint8_t *makeppp(uint8_t *b, int size, uint8_t *p, int l, tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, uint16_t mtype);
-void sendlcp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, int authtype);
+void processpap(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processchap(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void lcp_open(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
+void lcp_restart(sessionidt s);
+void processlcp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processipcp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processipv6cp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processipin(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processmpin(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processmpframe(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l, uint8_t extra);
+void processipv6in(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void processccp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l);
+void sendchap(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
+uint8_t *makeppp(uint8_t *b, int size, uint8_t *p, int l, sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint16_t mtype, uint8_t prio, bundleidt bid, uint8_t mp_bits);
+uint8_t *opt_makeppp(uint8_t *p, int l, sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint16_t mtype, uint8_t prio, bundleidt bid, uint8_t mp_bits);
+void sendlcp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
 void send_ipin(sessionidt s, uint8_t *buf, int len);
+void sendccp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
+void protoreject(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l, uint16_t proto);
+int join_bundle(sessionidt s);
 // radius.c
@@ -620,12 +965,12 @@ void processrad(uint8_t *buf, int len, char socket_index);
 void radiusretry(uint16_t r);
 uint16_t radiusnew(sessionidt s);
 void radiusclear(uint16_t r, sessionidt s);
-void processdae(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr, int alen);
+void processdae(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr, int alen, struct in_addr *local);
+int rad_tunnel_pwdecode(uint8_t *pl2tpsecret, size_t *pl2tpsecretlen, const char *radiussecret, const uint8_t * auth);
 // l2tpns.c
 clockt backoff(uint8_t try);
-void send_ipv6_ra(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s, struct in6_addr *ip);
+void send_ipv6_ra(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, struct in6_addr *ip);
 void route6set(sessionidt s, struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, int add);
 sessionidt sessionbyip(in_addr_t ip);
 sessionidt sessionbyipv6(struct in6_addr ip);
@@ -633,18 +978,42 @@ sessionidt sessionbyuser(char *username);
 void increment_counter(uint32_t *counter, uint32_t *wrap, uint32_t delta);
 void random_data(uint8_t *buf, int len);
 void sessionkill(sessionidt s, char *reason);
-void sessionshutdown(sessionidt s, char *reason, int result, int error);
+void sessionshutdown(sessionidt s, char const *reason, int cdn_result, int cdn_error, int term_cause);
 void filter_session(sessionidt s, int filter_in, int filter_out);
 void send_garp(in_addr_t ip);
 void tunnelsend(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t l, tunnelidt t);
-void sendipcp(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s);
-void processudp(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-void snoop_send_packet(char *packet, uint16_t size, in_addr_t destination, uint16_t port);
+int tun_write(uint8_t *data, int size);
+void adjust_tcp_mss(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *buf, int len, uint8_t *tcp);
+void sendipcp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
+void sendipv6cp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
+void processudp(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr, uint16_t indexudpfd);
+void processipout(uint8_t *buf, int len);
+void snoop_send_packet(uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size, in_addr_t destination, uint16_t port);
 int find_filter(char const *name, size_t len);
 int ip_filter(uint8_t *buf, int len, uint8_t filter);
 int cmd_show_ipcache(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
 int cmd_show_hist_idle(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
 int cmd_show_hist_open(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
+void netlink_addattr(struct nlmsghdr *nh, int type, const void *data, int alen);
+ssize_t netlink_send(struct nlmsghdr *nh);
+void cache_ipmap(in_addr_t ip, sessionidt s);
+tunnelidt lac_new_tunnel();
+void lac_tunnelclear(tunnelidt t);
+void lac_send_SCCRQ(tunnelidt t, uint8_t * auth, unsigned int auth_len);
+void lac_send_ICRQ(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s);
+void lac_tunnelshutdown(tunnelidt t, char *reason, int result, int error, char *msg);
+// grpsess.c
+sessionidt grp_getnextsession(groupidt g, in_addr_t ip);
+void grp_initdata(void);
+void grp_processvendorspecific(sessionidt s, uint8_t *pvs);
+groupidt grp_groupbysession(sessionidt s);
+groupidt grp_groupbyip(in_addr_t ip);
+void grp_setgrouproute(groupidt g, int add);
+void grp_time_changed(void);
+void grp_removesession(groupidt g, sessionidt s);
+int grp_cluster_load_groupe(groupidt g, groupsesst *new);
 #undef LOG
 #undef LOG_HEX
@@ -652,9 +1021,10 @@ int cmd_show_hist_open(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc
 #define LOG_HEX(D, t, d, s)	({ if (D <= config->debug) _log_hex(D, t, d, s); })
 void _log(int level, sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 4, 5)));
-void _log_hex(int level, const char *title, const char *data, int maxsize);
+void _log_hex(int level, const char *title, const uint8_t *data, int maxsize);
-int sessionsetup(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s);
+int sessionsetup(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t);
 int run_plugins(int plugin_type, void *data);
 void rebuild_address_pool(void);
 void throttle_session(sessionidt s, int rate_in, int rate_out);
@@ -663,37 +1033,26 @@ void become_master(void);	// We're the master; kick off any required master init
 // cli.c
-void init_cli(char *hostname);
+void init_cli();
+void cli_init_complete(char *hostname);
 void cli_do_file(FILE *fh);
 void cli_do(int sockfd);
 int cli_arg_help(struct cli_def *cli, int cr_ok, char *entry, ...);
 // icmp.c
-void host_unreachable(in_addr_t destination, uint16_t id, in_addr_t source, char *packet, int packet_len);
+void host_unreachable(in_addr_t destination, uint16_t id, in_addr_t source, uint8_t *packet, int packet_len);
 extern tunnelt *tunnel;
+extern bundlet *bundle;
 extern sessiont *session;
 extern sessionlocalt *sess_local;
 extern ippoolt *ip_address_pool;
+extern groupsesst *grpsession;
+extern groupidt gnextgrpid;
 #define sessionfree (session[0].next)
-#define log_backtrace(count, max) \
-if (count++ < max) { \
-	void *array[20]; \
-	char **strings; \
-	int size, i; \
-	LOG(0, 0, t, "Backtrace follows:\n"); \
-	size = backtrace(array, 10); \
-	strings = backtrace_symbols(array, size); \
-	if (strings) for (i = 0; i < size; i++) \
-	{ \
-		LOG(0, 0, t, " %s\n", strings[i]); \
-	} \
-	free(strings); \
 extern configt *config;
 extern time_t basetime;		// Time when this process started.
@@ -702,43 +1061,35 @@ extern char main_quit;
 extern uint32_t last_id;
 extern struct Tstats *_statistics;
 extern in_addr_t my_address;
-extern int tun_write(uint8_t *data, int size);
 extern int clifd;
 extern int epollfd;
+extern int tunidx;		// ifr_ifindex of tun device
+extern union iphash ip_hash[256];
 struct event_data {
 	enum {
-	    	FD_TYPE_CLI,
-	    	FD_TYPE_TUN,
-	    	FD_TYPE_UDP,
-	    	FD_TYPE_DAE,
 	} type;
-	int index; // for RADIUS, BGP
+	int index; // for RADIUS, BGP, UDP
 #define TIME (config->current_time)
+extern uint16_t MRU;
+extern uint16_t MSS;
 // macros for handling help in cli commands
 #define CLI_HELP_REQUESTED	(argc > 0 && argv[argc-1][strlen(argv[argc-1])-1] == '?')
 #define CLI_HELP_NO_ARGS	(argc > 1 || argv[0][1]) ? CLI_OK : cli_arg_help(cli, 1, NULL)
-// CVS identifiers (for "show version file")
-extern char const *cvs_id_arp;
-extern char const *cvs_id_cli;
-extern char const *cvs_id_cluster;
-extern char const *cvs_id_constants;
-extern char const *cvs_id_control;
-extern char const *cvs_id_icmp;
-extern char const *cvs_id_l2tpns;
-extern char const *cvs_id_ll;
-extern char const *cvs_id_md5;
-extern char const *cvs_id_ppp;
-extern char const *cvs_id_radius;
-extern char const *cvs_id_tbf;
-extern char const *cvs_id_util;
 #endif /* __L2TPNS_H__ */