* Thu Nov 11 2004 Brendan O'Dea <bod@optusnet.com.au> 2.0.6
- Make BGP keepalive/hold time configurable
-- Revise BGP config to use "router bgp AS" syntax
+- Revise BGP config to use "router bgp AS" syntax (requires libcli >= 1.8.2)
* Tue Nov 9 2004 Brendan O'Dea <bod@optusnet.com.au> 2.0.5
- Handle routing properly in lone-master case
// vim: sw=8 ts=8
char const *cvs_name = "$Name: $";
-char const *cvs_id_cli = "$Id: cli.c,v 1.25 2004-11-11 03:07:42 bodea Exp $";
+char const *cvs_id_cli = "$Id: cli.c,v 1.26 2004-11-11 05:38:01 bodea Exp $";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifdef BGP
static int cmd_router_bgp(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
-static int cmd_router_bgp_exit(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
static int cmd_router_bgp_neighbour(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
static int cmd_router_bgp_no_neighbour(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
static int cmd_show_bgp(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc);
c = cli_register_command(cli, NULL, "router", NULL, PRIVILEGE_PRIVILEGED, MODE_CONFIG, NULL);
cli_register_command(cli, c, "bgp", cmd_router_bgp, PRIVILEGE_PRIVILEGED, MODE_CONFIG, "Configure BGP");
- cli_register_command(cli, NULL, "exit", cmd_router_bgp_exit, PRIVILEGE_PRIVILEGED, MODE_CONFIG_BGP, "Exit from BGP configuration");
cli_register_command(cli, NULL, "neighbour", cmd_router_bgp_neighbour, PRIVILEGE_PRIVILEGED, MODE_CONFIG_BGP, "Configure BGP neighbour");
c = cli_register_command(cli, NULL, "no", NULL, PRIVILEGE_PRIVILEGED, MODE_CONFIG_BGP, NULL);
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/l2tpns
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
-BuildRequires: libcli >= 1.8.1
-Requires: libcli >= 1.8.1
+BuildRequires: libcli >= 1.8.2
+Requires: libcli >= 1.8.2
A L2TP LNS which does not require l2tpd, pppd or any kernel patches. Can support