CONFIG("disable_sending_hello", disable_sending_hello, BOOL),
CONFIG("disable_no_spoof", disable_no_spoof, BOOL),
CONFIG("bind_multi_address", bind_multi_address, STRING),
+ CONFIG("grp_txrate_average_time", grp_txrate_average_time, INT),
CONFIG("pppoe_only_equal_svc_name", pppoe_only_equal_svc_name, BOOL),
CONFIG("multi_hostname", multi_hostname, STRING),
+ CONFIG("no_throttle_local_IP", no_throttle_local_IP, BOOL),
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
int nbmultiaddress; // number multi address to bind
int indexlacudpfd; // Index UDP LAC file handle (in udpfd[])
int nbmultihostname; // number hostname, normally the same number as the nbudpfd
+ int grp_txrate_average_time; // caculation txrate average time (default 10s)
+ int no_throttle_local_IP; // no throttle traffic from session to session
in_addr_t bind_n_address[MAX_BINDADDR];
in_addr_t iftun_n_address[MAX_BINDADDR];
char bind_multi_address[256];