(default: no).
+<LI><B>disable_sending_hello</B> (boolean)<BR>
+Disable l2tp sending HELLO message for Apple compatibility.
+Some OS X implementation of l2tp no manage the L2TP "HELLO message".
+(default: no).
<P><U><B>LAC configuration</B></U></P>
+l2tpns (2.2.1-2fdn3.4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add parameter to disable the send of the L2TP HELLO message (Apple compatibility).
+ -- Fernando Alves <fernando.alves@sameswireless.fr>, 15 Jan 2013 15:17:22 +0100
l2tpns (2.2.1-2fdn3.3) unstable; urgency=low
* pppoe server functionality
CONFIG("pppoe_if_to_bind", pppoe_if_to_bind, STRING),
CONFIG("pppoe_service_name", pppoe_service_name, STRING),
CONFIG("pppoe_ac_name", pppoe_ac_name, STRING),
- { NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
+ CONFIG("disable_sending_hello", disable_sending_hello, BOOL),
+ { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
static char *plugin_functions[] = {
// Send hello
if (tunnel[t].state == TUNNELOPEN && !tunnel[t].controlc && (time_now - tunnel[t].lastrec) > 60)
- controlt *c = controlnew(6); // sending HELLO
- controladd(c, 0, t); // send the message
- LOG(3, 0, t, "Sending HELLO message\n");
- t_actions++;
+ if (!config->disable_sending_hello)
+ {
+ controlt *c = controlnew(6); // sending HELLO
+ controladd(c, 0, t); // send the message
+ LOG(3, 0, t, "Sending HELLO message\n");
+ t_actions++;
+ }
// Check for tunnel changes requested from the CLI
char pppoe_service_name[64]; // pppoe service name
char pppoe_ac_name[64];
uint8_t pppoe_hwaddr[ETH_ALEN]; // MAC addr of interface pppoe to bind
+ int disable_sending_hello; // Disable l2tp sending HELLO message for Apple compatibility.
} configt;
enum config_typet { INT, STRING, UNSIGNED_LONG, SHORT, BOOL, IPv4, IPv6 };