Summary: A high-speed clustered L2TP LNS
Name: l2tpns
-Version: 2.0.2
+Version: 2.2.0
Release: 1
-Copyright: GPL
+License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Daemons
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%(%__id -un)
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig
-BuildRequires: libcli >= 1.8.1
-Requires: libcli >= 1.8.1
+BuildRequires: libcli >= 1.8.5
+Requires: libcli >= 1.8.5
-A L2TP LNS which does not require l2tpd, pppd or any kernel patches. Can support
-up to 65535 active sessions on a single box. Also supports ISP features like
-speed throttling, walled garden, usage accounting, and more.
+l2tpns is a layer 2 tunneling protocol network server (LNS). It
+supports up to 65535 concurrent sessions per server/cluster plus ISP
+features such as rate limiting, walled garden, usage accounting, and
%setup -q
-%doc Changes INSTALL INTERNALS COPYING Docs/manual.html
+%doc Changes INSTALL INTERNALS COPYING THANKS Docs/manual.html
%dir /etc/l2tpns
%config(noreplace) /etc/l2tpns/users
%config(noreplace) /etc/l2tpns/startup-config
%config(noreplace) /etc/l2tpns/ip_pool
-%attr(700,root,root) /usr/sbin/l2tpns
+%attr(755,root,root) /usr/sbin/*
%attr(755,root,root) /usr/lib/l2tpns
+%attr(644,root,root) /usr/share/man/man[58]/*
-* Thu Sep 02 2004 David Parrish <> 2.0.2
-- Initial SPEC file generation
+* Tue Dec 5 2006 Brendan O'Dea <> 2.2.0-1
+- 2.2.0 release, see /usr/share/doc/l2tpns-2.2.0/Changes