-* Thu May 5 2005 Brendan O'Dea <bod@optusnet.com.au> 2.1.0
+* Sat May 7 2005 Brendan O'Dea <bod@optusnet.com.au> 2.1.0
- Add IPv6 support from Jonathan McDowell.
- Add CHAP support from Jordan Hrycaj (work in progress).
+- Add interim accounting support from Vladislav Bjelic.
- Sanity check that cluster_send_session is not called from a child
- Throttle outgoing LASTSEEN packets to at most one per second for a
allocated (uses config->debug).
- Initialise log_stream to stderr to catch errors before the config file
is read.
+- Fix leak in session freelist when initial RADIUS session allocation
+ fails.
+- Don't process C_LASTSEEN unless we're a master (otherwise a crashed
+ master kills all slaves once restarted).
* Fri Dec 17 2004 Brendan O'Dea <bod@optusnet.com.au> 2.0.13
- Better cluster master collision resolution: keep a counter of state