+ // Drop sessions who have reached session_timeout seconds
+ if (session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
+ if (bid)
+ {
+ if (time_now - bundle[bid].last_check >= 1)
+ {
+ bundle[bid].online_time += (time_now - bundle[bid].last_check) * bundle[bid].num_of_links;
+ bundle[bid].last_check = time_now;
+ if (bundle[bid].online_time >= session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ int ses;
+ for (ses = bundle[bid].num_of_links - 1; ses >= 0; ses--)
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(bundle[bid].members[ses], "Session timeout", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (time_now - session[s].opened >= session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(s, "Session timeout", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop sessions who have reached idle_timeout seconds
+ if (session[s].last_data && session[s].idle_timeout && (time_now - session[s].last_data >= session[s].idle_timeout))
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(s, "Idle Timeout Reached", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_IDLE_TIMEOUT);
+ STAT(session_timeout);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }