- // Add on L2TP header
- {
- bundleidt bid = 0;
- if(session[s].bundle != 0 && bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links > 1)
- {
- bid = session[s].bundle;
- s = bundle[bid].members[bundle[bid].current_ses = ++bundle[bid].current_ses % bundle[bid].num_of_links];
- t = session[s].tunnel;
- sp = &session[s];
- LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (1)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
- if(len > MINFRAGLEN)
- {
- // Partition the packet to "bundle[b].num_of_links" fragments
- bundlet *b = &bundle[bid];
- uint32_t num_of_links = b->num_of_links;
- uint32_t fraglen = len / num_of_links;
- fraglen = (fraglen > session[s].mru ? session[s].mru : fraglen);
- uint32_t last_fraglen = fraglen + len % num_of_links;
- last_fraglen = (last_fraglen > session[s].mru ? len % num_of_links : last_fraglen);
- uint32_t remain = len;
- // send the first packet
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BEGIN);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
- // statistics
- update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
- remain -= fraglen;
- while (remain > last_fraglen)
- {
- s = b->members[b->current_ses = ++b->current_ses % num_of_links];
- t = session[s].tunnel;
- sp = &session[s];
- LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
- p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, 0);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
- update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
- remain -= fraglen;
- }
- // send the last fragment
- s = b->members[b->current_ses = ++b->current_ses % num_of_links];
+ if(session[s].bundle != 0 && bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links > 1)
+ {
+ // Add on L2TP header
+ bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
+ bundlet *b = &bundle[bid];
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % b->num_of_links;
+ s = b->members[b->current_ses];
+ t = session[s].tunnel;
+ sp = &session[s];
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (1)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ if(len > MINFRAGLEN)
+ {
+ // Partition the packet to "bundle[b].num_of_links" fragments
+ uint32_t num_of_links = b->num_of_links;
+ uint32_t fraglen = len / num_of_links;
+ fraglen = (fraglen > session[s].mru ? session[s].mru : fraglen);
+ uint32_t last_fraglen = fraglen + len % num_of_links;
+ last_fraglen = (last_fraglen > session[s].mru ? len % num_of_links : last_fraglen);
+ uint32_t remain = len;
+ // send the first packet
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BEGIN);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ // statistics
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
+ remain -= fraglen;
+ while (remain > last_fraglen)
+ {
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % num_of_links;
+ s = b->members[b->current_ses];
t = session[s].tunnel;
sp = &session[s];
- LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
- p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), remain, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_END);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(fragbuf, remain + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
- update_session_out_stat(s, sp, remain);
- if (remain != last_fraglen)
- LOG(3, s, t, "PROCESSIPOUT ERROR REMAIN != LAST_FRAGLEN, %d != %d\n", remain, last_fraglen);
- }
- else {
- // Send it as one frame
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BOTH_BITS);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(fragbuf, len + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
- LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: packet sent as one frame\n");
- update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, 0, 0);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(fragbuf, len + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, 0);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
+ remain -= fraglen;
+ }
+ // send the last fragment
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % num_of_links;
+ s = b->members[b->current_ses];
+ t = session[s].tunnel;
+ sp = &session[s];
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), remain, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_END);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, remain + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, remain);
+ if (remain != last_fraglen)
+ LOG(3, s, t, "PROCESSIPOUT ERROR REMAIN != LAST_FRAGLEN, %d != %d\n", remain, last_fraglen);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Send it as one frame
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BOTH_BITS);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, len + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: packet sent as one frame\n");
update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, len + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
+ }
// Snooping this session, send it to intercept box
if (sp->snoop_ip && sp->snoop_port)
if (session[s].bundle && bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links > 1)
bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
- s = bundle[bid].members[bundle[bid].current_ses = ++bundle[bid].current_ses % bundle[bid].num_of_links];
+ bundlet *b = &bundle[bid];
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % b->num_of_links;
+ s = b->members[b->current_ses];
LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "MPPP: Session number becomes: %u\n", s);
t = session[s].tunnel;