// L2TP Network Server
// Adrian Kennard 2002
-// Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Optus Internet Engineering
+// Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Optus Internet Engineering
// Copyright (c) 2002 FireBrick (Andrews & Arnold Ltd / Watchfront Ltd) - GPL licenced
// vim: sw=8 ts=8
-char const *cvs_id_l2tpns = "$Id: l2tpns.c,v 1.160 2006/04/13 11:14:35 bodea Exp $";
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <malloc.h>
-#include <math.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <libcli.h>
+#include <linux/netlink.h>
+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
#include "md5.h"
#include "l2tpns.h"
#include "bgp.h"
+#include "l2tplac.h"
+#include "pppoe.h"
+char * Vendor_name = "Linux L2TPNS";
+uint32_t call_serial_number = 0;
// Globals
configt *config = NULL; // all configuration
+int nlfd = -1; // netlink socket
int tunfd = -1; // tun interface file handle. (network device)
-int udpfd = -1; // UDP file handle
+int udpfd[MAX_UDPFD + 1] = INIT_TABUDPFD; // array UDP file handle + 1 for lac udp
+int udplacfd = -1; // UDP LAC file handle
int controlfd = -1; // Control signal handle
int clifd = -1; // Socket listening for CLI connections.
int daefd = -1; // Socket listening for DAE connections.
int snoopfd = -1; // UDP file handle for sending out intercept data
int *radfds = NULL; // RADIUS requests file handles
-int ifrfd = -1; // File descriptor for routing, etc
-int ifr6fd = -1; // File descriptor for IPv6 routing, etc
int rand_fd = -1; // Random data source
int cluster_sockfd = -1; // Intra-cluster communications socket.
int epollfd = -1; // event polling
time_t basetime = 0; // base clock
-char hostname[1000] = ""; // us.
-static int tunidx; // ifr_ifindex of tun device
+char hostname[MAXHOSTNAME] = ""; // us.
+int tunidx; // ifr_ifindex of tun device
+int nlseqnum = 0; // netlink sequence number
+int min_initok_nlseqnum = 0; // minimun seq number for messages after init is ok
static int syslog_log = 0; // are we logging to syslog
static FILE *log_stream = 0; // file handle for direct logging (i.e. direct into file, not via syslog).
uint32_t last_id = 0; // Unique ID for radius accounting
+// Guest change
+char guest_users[10][32]; // Array of guest users
+int guest_accounts_num = 0; // Number of guest users
// calculated from config->l2tp_mtu
uint16_t MRU = 0; // PPP MRU
struct cli_session_actions *cli_session_actions = NULL; // Pending session changes requested by CLI
struct cli_tunnel_actions *cli_tunnel_actions = NULL; // Pending tunnel changes required by CLI
-static void *ip_hash[256]; // Mapping from IP address to session structures.
+union iphash ip_hash[256]; // Mapping from IP address to session structures.
struct ipv6radix {
- int sess;
+ sessionidt sess;
struct ipv6radix *branch;
} ipv6_hash[256]; // Mapping from IPv6 address to session structures.
static uint32_t ip_pool_size = 1; // Size of the pool of addresses used for dynamic address allocation.
time_t time_now = 0; // Current time in seconds since epoch.
+uint64_t time_now_ms = 0; // Current time in milliseconds since epoch.
static char time_now_string[64] = {0}; // Current time as a string.
static int time_changed = 0; // time_now changed
char main_quit = 0; // True if we're in the process of exiting.
CONFIG("radius_secret", radiussecret, STRING),
CONFIG("radius_authtypes", radius_authtypes_s, STRING),
CONFIG("radius_dae_port", radius_dae_port, SHORT),
+ CONFIG("radius_bind_min", radius_bind_min, SHORT),
+ CONFIG("radius_bind_max", radius_bind_max, SHORT),
CONFIG("allow_duplicate_users", allow_duplicate_users, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("kill_timedout_sessions", kill_timedout_sessions, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("guest_account", guest_user, STRING),
CONFIG("bind_address", bind_address, IPv4),
CONFIG("peer_address", peer_address, IPv4),
CONFIG("send_garp", send_garp, BOOL),
CONFIG("throttle_speed", rl_rate, UNSIGNED_LONG),
CONFIG("throttle_buckets", num_tbfs, INT),
CONFIG("accounting_dir", accounting_dir, STRING),
- CONFIG("setuid", target_uid, INT),
CONFIG("dump_speed", dump_speed, BOOL),
CONFIG("multi_read_count", multi_read_count, INT),
CONFIG("scheduler_fifo", scheduler_fifo, BOOL),
CONFIG("cluster_hb_timeout", cluster_hb_timeout, INT),
CONFIG("cluster_master_min_adv", cluster_master_min_adv, INT),
CONFIG("ipv6_prefix", ipv6_prefix, IPv6),
- { NULL, 0, 0, 0 },
+ CONFIG("cli_bind_address", cli_bind_address, IPv4),
+ CONFIG("hostname", hostname, STRING),
+#ifdef BGP
+ CONFIG("nexthop_address", nexthop_address, IPv4),
+ CONFIG("nexthop6_address", nexthop6_address, IPv6),
+ CONFIG("echo_timeout", echo_timeout, INT),
+ CONFIG("idle_echo_timeout", idle_echo_timeout, INT),
+ CONFIG("iftun_address", iftun_address, IPv4),
+ CONFIG("tundevicename", tundevicename, STRING),
+ CONFIG("disable_lac_func", disable_lac_func, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("auth_tunnel_change_addr_src", auth_tunnel_change_addr_src, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("bind_address_remotelns", bind_address_remotelns, IPv4),
+ CONFIG("bind_portremotelns", bind_portremotelns, SHORT),
+ CONFIG("pppoe_if_to_bind", pppoe_if_to_bind, STRING),
+ CONFIG("pppoe_service_name", pppoe_service_name, STRING),
+ CONFIG("pppoe_ac_name", pppoe_ac_name, STRING),
+ CONFIG("disable_sending_hello", disable_sending_hello, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("disable_no_spoof", disable_no_spoof, BOOL),
+ CONFIG("bind_multi_address", bind_multi_address, STRING),
+ CONFIG("grp_txrate_average_time", grp_txrate_average_time, INT),
+ { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }
static char *plugin_functions[] = {
- "plugin_packet_rx",
- "plugin_packet_tx",
static sessionidt shut_acct_n = 0;
tunnelt *tunnel = NULL; // Array of tunnel structures.
+bundlet *bundle = NULL; // Array of bundle structures.
+fragmentationt *frag = NULL; // Array of fragmentation structures.
sessiont *session = NULL; // Array of session structures.
+groupsesst *grpsession = NULL; // Array of groupsesst structures.
sessionlocalt *sess_local = NULL; // Array of local per-session counters.
radiust *radius = NULL; // Array of radius structures.
ippoolt *ip_address_pool = NULL; // Array of dynamic IP addresses.
struct Tringbuffer *ringbuffer = NULL;
-static void cache_ipmap(in_addr_t ip, int s);
static void uncache_ipmap(in_addr_t ip);
-static void cache_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, int s);
+static void cache_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, sessionidt s);
static void free_ip_address(sessionidt s);
static void dump_acct_info(int all);
static void sighup_handler(int sig);
static void processcontrol(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr, int alen, struct in_addr *local);
static tunnelidt new_tunnel(void);
static void unhide_value(uint8_t *value, size_t len, uint16_t type, uint8_t *vector, size_t vec_len);
-// on slaves, alow BGP to withdraw cleanly before exiting
-#define QUIT_DELAY 5
-// quit actions (master)
-#define QUIT_FAILOVER 1 // SIGTERM: exit when all control messages have been acked (for cluster failover)
-#define QUIT_SHUTDOWN 2 // SIGQUIT: shutdown sessions/tunnels, reject new connections
+static void bundleclear(bundleidt b);
// return internal time (10ths since process startup), set f if given
// as a side-effect sets time_now, and time_changed
if (f) *f = t.tv_sec + t.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
if (t.tv_sec != time_now)
- time_now = t.tv_sec;
- time_changed++;
+ time_now = t.tv_sec;
+ time_changed++;
+ grp_time_changed();
+ // Time in milliseconds
+ //time_now_ms = (t.tv_sec * 1000) + (t.tv_usec/1000);
return (t.tv_sec - basetime) * 10 + t.tv_usec / 100000 + 1;
ringbuffer->buffer[ringbuffer->tail].session = s;
ringbuffer->buffer[ringbuffer->tail].tunnel = t;
va_start(ap, format);
- vsnprintf(ringbuffer->buffer[ringbuffer->tail].message, 4095, format, ap);
+ vsnprintf(ringbuffer->buffer[ringbuffer->tail].message, MAX_LOG_LENGTH, format, ap);
// via BGP if enabled, and stuffs it into the
// 'sessionbyip' cache.
-// 'ip' and 'mask' must be in _host_ order.
+// 'ip' must be in _host_ order.
-static void routeset(sessionidt s, in_addr_t ip, in_addr_t mask, in_addr_t gw, int add)
+static void routeset(sessionidt s, in_addr_t ip, int prefixlen, in_addr_t gw, int add)
- struct rtentry r;
+ struct {
+ struct nlmsghdr nh;
+ struct rtmsg rt;
+ char buf[32];
+ } req;
int i;
+ in_addr_t n_ip;
+ if (!prefixlen) prefixlen = 32;
- if (!mask) mask = 0xffffffff;
+ ip &= 0xffffffff << (32 - prefixlen);; // Force the ip to be the first one in the route.
- ip &= mask; // Force the ip to be the first one in the route.
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
- memset(&r, 0, sizeof(r));
- r.rt_dev = config->tundevice;
- r.rt_dst.sa_family = AF_INET;
- *(uint32_t *) & (((struct sockaddr_in *) &r.rt_dst)->sin_addr.s_addr) = htonl(ip);
- r.rt_gateway.sa_family = AF_INET;
- *(uint32_t *) & (((struct sockaddr_in *) &r.rt_gateway)->sin_addr.s_addr) = htonl(gw);
- r.rt_genmask.sa_family = AF_INET;
- *(uint32_t *) & (((struct sockaddr_in *) &r.rt_genmask)->sin_addr.s_addr) = htonl(mask);
- r.rt_flags = (RTF_UP | RTF_STATIC);
+ if (add)
+ {
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWROUTE;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_DELROUTE;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST;
+ }
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.rt));
+ req.rt.rtm_family = AF_INET;
+ req.rt.rtm_dst_len = prefixlen;
+ req.rt.rtm_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
+ req.rt.rtm_protocol = 42;
+ req.rt.rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK;
+ req.rt.rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_OIF, &tunidx, sizeof(int));
+ n_ip = htonl(ip);
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_DST, &n_ip, sizeof(n_ip));
if (gw)
- r.rt_flags |= RTF_GATEWAY;
- else if (mask == 0xffffffff)
- r.rt_flags |= RTF_HOST;
+ {
+ n_ip = htonl(gw);
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_GATEWAY, &n_ip, sizeof(n_ip));
+ }
- LOG(1, s, 0, "Route %s %s/%s%s%s\n", add ? "add" : "del",
- fmtaddr(htonl(ip), 0), fmtaddr(htonl(mask), 1),
+ LOG(1, s, session[s].tunnel, "Route %s %s/%d%s%s\n", add ? "add" : "del",
+ fmtaddr(htonl(ip), 0), prefixlen,
gw ? " via" : "", gw ? fmtaddr(htonl(gw), 2) : "");
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, add ? SIOCADDRT : SIOCDELRT, (void *) &r) < 0)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "routeset() error in ioctl: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "routeset() error in sending netlink message: %s\n", strerror(errno));
#ifdef BGP
if (add)
- bgp_add_route(htonl(ip), htonl(mask));
+ bgp_add_route(htonl(ip), prefixlen);
- bgp_del_route(htonl(ip), htonl(mask));
+ bgp_del_route(htonl(ip), prefixlen);
#endif /* BGP */
// Add/Remove the IPs to the 'sessionbyip' cache.
if (!add) // Are we deleting a route?
s = 0; // Caching the session as '0' is the same as uncaching.
- for (i = ip; (i&mask) == (ip&mask) ; ++i)
+ for (i = ip; i < ip+(1<<(32-prefixlen)) ; ++i)
cache_ipmap(i, s);
void route6set(sessionidt s, struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, int add)
- struct in6_rtmsg rt;
+ struct {
+ struct nlmsghdr nh;
+ struct rtmsg rt;
+ char buf[64];
+ } req;
+ int metric;
char ipv6addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- if (ifr6fd < 0)
+ if (!config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0])
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Asked to set IPv6 route, but IPv6 not setup.\n");
- memset(&rt, 0, sizeof(rt));
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ if (add)
+ {
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWROUTE;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_DELROUTE;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST;
+ }
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.rt));
+ req.rt.rtm_family = AF_INET6;
+ req.rt.rtm_dst_len = prefixlen;
+ req.rt.rtm_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
+ req.rt.rtm_protocol = 42;
+ req.rt.rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK;
+ req.rt.rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST;
- memcpy(&rt.rtmsg_dst, &ip, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- rt.rtmsg_dst_len = prefixlen;
- rt.rtmsg_metric = 1;
- rt.rtmsg_flags = RTF_UP;
- rt.rtmsg_ifindex = tunidx;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_OIF, &tunidx, sizeof(int));
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_DST, &ip, sizeof(ip));
+ metric = 1;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, RTA_METRICS, &metric, sizeof(metric));
- LOG(1, 0, 0, "Route %s %s/%d\n",
+ LOG(1, s, session[s].tunnel, "Route %s %s/%d\n",
add ? "add" : "del",
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ip, ipv6addr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN),
- if (ioctl(ifr6fd, add ? SIOCADDRT : SIOCDELRT, (void *) &rt) < 0)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "route6set() error in ioctl: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "route6set() error in sending netlink message: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- // FIXME: need to add BGP routing (RFC2858)
+#ifdef BGP
+ if (add)
+ bgp_add_route6(ip, prefixlen);
+ else
+ bgp_del_route6(ip, prefixlen);
+#endif /* BGP */
if (s)
-// defined in linux/ipv6.h, but tricky to include from user-space
-// TODO: move routing to use netlink rather than ioctl
-struct in6_ifreq {
- struct in6_addr ifr6_addr;
- __u32 ifr6_prefixlen;
- unsigned int ifr6_ifindex;
+// Set up netlink socket
+static void initnetlink(void)
+ struct sockaddr_nl nladdr;
+ if (nlfd < 0)
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Can't create netlink socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memset(&nladdr, 0, sizeof(nladdr));
+ nladdr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
+ nladdr.nl_pid = getpid();
+ if (bind(nlfd, (struct sockaddr *)&nladdr, sizeof(nladdr)) < 0)
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Can't bind netlink socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ssize_t netlink_send(struct nlmsghdr *nh)
+ struct sockaddr_nl nladdr;
+ struct iovec iov;
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ nh->nlmsg_pid = getpid();
+ nh->nlmsg_seq = ++nlseqnum;
+ // set kernel address
+ memset(&nladdr, 0, sizeof(nladdr));
+ nladdr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
+ iov = (struct iovec){ (void *)nh, nh->nlmsg_len };
+ msg = (struct msghdr){ (void *)&nladdr, sizeof(nladdr), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 };
+ return sendmsg(nlfd, &msg, 0);
+static ssize_t netlink_recv(void *buf, ssize_t len)
+ struct sockaddr_nl nladdr;
+ struct iovec iov;
+ struct msghdr msg;
+ // set kernel address
+ memset(&nladdr, 0, sizeof(nladdr));
+ nladdr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK;
+ iov = (struct iovec){ buf, len };
+ msg = (struct msghdr){ (void *)&nladdr, sizeof(nladdr), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 };
+ return recvmsg(nlfd, &msg, 0);
+/* adapted from iproute2 */
+void netlink_addattr(struct nlmsghdr *nh, int type, const void *data, int alen)
+ int len = RTA_LENGTH(alen);
+ struct rtattr *rta;
+ rta = (struct rtattr *)(((void *)nh) + NLMSG_ALIGN(nh->nlmsg_len));
+ rta->rta_type = type;
+ rta->rta_len = len;
+ memcpy(RTA_DATA(rta), data, alen);
+ nh->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(nh->nlmsg_len) + RTA_ALIGN(len);
+// messages corresponding to different phases seq number
+static char *tun_nl_phase_msg[] = {
+ "initialized",
+ "getting tun interface index",
+ "setting tun interface parameters",
+ "setting tun IPv4 address",
+ "setting tun LL IPv6 address",
+ "setting tun global IPv6 address",
static void inittun(void)
struct ifreq ifr;
- struct in6_ifreq ifr6;
- struct sockaddr_in sin = {0};
memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TUN;
int flags = fcntl(tunfd, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(tunfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+ if (*config->tundevicename)
+ strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, config->tundevicename, IFNAMSIZ);
if (ioctl(tunfd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Can't set tun interface: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- assert(strlen(ifr.ifr_name) < sizeof(config->tundevice));
- strncpy(config->tundevice, ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(config->tundevice) - 1);
- ifrfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
- sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin.sin_addr.s_addr = config->bind_address ? config->bind_address : 0x01010101; //
- memcpy(&ifr.ifr_addr, &sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
+ assert(strlen(ifr.ifr_name) < sizeof(config->tundevicename) - 1);
+ strncpy(config->tundevicename, ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(config->tundevicename));
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, SIOCSIFADDR, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
- {
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun address: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Bump up the qlen to deal with bursts from the network */
- ifr.ifr_qlen = 1000;
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, SIOCSIFTXQLEN, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
+ tunidx = if_nametoindex(config->tundevicename);
+ if (tunidx == 0)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun queue length: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Can't get tun interface index\n");
- /* set MTU to modem MRU */
- ifr.ifr_mtu = MRU;
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, SIOCSIFMTU, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
- {
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun MTU: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_UP;
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
- {
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun flags: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- if (ioctl(ifrfd, SIOCGIFINDEX, (void *) &ifr) < 0)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error getting tun ifindex: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- exit(1);
- }
- tunidx = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
+ struct {
+ // interface setting
+ struct nlmsghdr nh;
+ union {
+ struct ifinfomsg ifinfo;
+ struct ifaddrmsg ifaddr;
+ } ifmsg;
+ char rtdata[32]; // 32 should be enough
+ } req;
+ uint32_t txqlen, mtu;
+ in_addr_t ip;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWLINK;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_MULTI;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.ifmsg.ifinfo));
+ req.ifmsg.ifinfo.ifi_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+ req.ifmsg.ifinfo.ifi_index = tunidx;
+ req.ifmsg.ifinfo.ifi_flags |= IFF_UP; // set interface up
+ req.ifmsg.ifinfo.ifi_change = IFF_UP; // only change this flag
- // Only setup IPv6 on the tun device if we have a configured prefix
- if (config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0]) {
- ifr6fd = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ /* Bump up the qlen to deal with bursts from the network */
+ txqlen = 1000;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFLA_TXQLEN, &txqlen, sizeof(txqlen));
+ /* set MTU to modem MRU */
+ mtu = MRU;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFLA_MTU, &mtu, sizeof(mtu));
- // Link local address is FE80::1
- memset(&ifr6.ifr6_addr, 0, sizeof(ifr6.ifr6_addr));
- ifr6.ifr6_addr.s6_addr[0] = 0xFE;
- ifr6.ifr6_addr.s6_addr[1] = 0x80;
- ifr6.ifr6_addr.s6_addr[15] = 1;
- ifr6.ifr6_prefixlen = 64;
- ifr6.ifr6_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
- if (ioctl(ifr6fd, SIOCSIFADDR, (void *) &ifr6) < 0)
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWADDR;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE | NLM_F_MULTI;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.ifmsg.ifaddr));
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_family = AF_INET;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_prefixlen = 32;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_index = tunidx;
+ if (config->nbmultiaddress > 1)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun IPv6 link local address:"
- " %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < config->nbmultiaddress ; i++)
+ {
+ ip = config->iftun_n_address[i];
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFA_LOCAL, &ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ }
- // Global address is prefix::1
- memset(&ifr6.ifr6_addr, 0, sizeof(ifr6.ifr6_addr));
- ifr6.ifr6_addr = config->ipv6_prefix;
- ifr6.ifr6_addr.s6_addr[15] = 1;
- ifr6.ifr6_prefixlen = 64;
- ifr6.ifr6_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
- if (ioctl(ifr6fd, SIOCSIFADDR, (void *) &ifr6) < 0)
+ else
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error setting tun IPv6 global address: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
+ if (config->iftun_address)
+ ip = config->iftun_address;
+ else
+ ip = 0x01010101; //
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFA_LOCAL, &ip, sizeof(ip));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ // Only setup IPv6 on the tun device if we have a configured prefix
+ if (config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0]) {
+ struct in6_addr ip6;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWADDR;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE | NLM_F_MULTI;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.ifmsg.ifaddr));
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_family = AF_INET6;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_prefixlen = 64;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_scope = RT_SCOPE_LINK;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_index = tunidx;
+ // Link local address is FE80::1
+ memset(&ip6, 0, sizeof(ip6));
+ ip6.s6_addr[0] = 0xFE;
+ ip6.s6_addr[1] = 0x80;
+ ip6.s6_addr[15] = 1;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFA_LOCAL, &ip6, sizeof(ip6));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWADDR;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE | NLM_F_MULTI;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(req.ifmsg.ifaddr));
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_family = AF_INET6;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_prefixlen = 64;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE;
+ req.ifmsg.ifaddr.ifa_index = tunidx;
+ // Global address is prefix::1
+ ip6 = config->ipv6_prefix;
+ ip6.s6_addr[15] = 1;
+ netlink_addattr(&req.nh, IFA_LOCAL, &ip6, sizeof(ip6));
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ }
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = NLMSG_DONE;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(0);
+ if (netlink_send(&req.nh) < 0)
+ goto senderror;
+ // if we get an error for seqnum < min_initok_nlseqnum,
+ // we must exit as initialization went wrong
+ if (config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0])
+ min_initok_nlseqnum = 5 + 1; // idx + if + addr + 2*addr6
+ else
+ min_initok_nlseqnum = 3 + 1; // idx + if + addr
+ return;
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error while setting up tun device: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
-// set up UDP ports
-static void initudp(void)
+// set up LAC UDP ports
+static void initlacudp(void)
int on = 1;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
- // Tunnel
+ // Tunnel to Remote LNS
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(L2TPPORT);
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = config->bind_address;
- udpfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
- setsockopt(udpfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
+ addr.sin_port = htons(config->bind_portremotelns);
+ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = config->bind_address_remotelns;
+ udplacfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ setsockopt(udplacfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
- int flags = fcntl(udpfd, F_GETFL, 0);
- fcntl(udpfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+ int flags = fcntl(udplacfd, F_GETFL, 0);
+ fcntl(udplacfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
- if (bind(udpfd, (void *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
+ if (bind(udplacfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error in UDP bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error in UDP REMOTE LNS bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+// set up control ports
+static void initcontrol(void)
+ int on = 1;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
// Control
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
controlfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
setsockopt(controlfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
setsockopt(controlfd, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &on, sizeof(on)); // recvfromto
- if (bind(controlfd, (void *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
+ if (bind(controlfd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error in control bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+// set up Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS port
+static void initdae(void)
+ int on = 1;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
// Dynamic Authorization Extensions to RADIUS
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
setsockopt(daefd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
setsockopt(daefd, SOL_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &on, sizeof(on)); // recvfromto
- if (bind(daefd, (void *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
+ if (bind(daefd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error in DAE bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- // Intercept
- snoopfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+// set up UDP ports
+static void initudp(int * pudpfd, in_addr_t ip_bind)
+ int on = 1;
+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
+ // Tunnel
+ memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
+ addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ addr.sin_port = htons(L2TPPORT);
+ addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip_bind;
+ (*pudpfd) = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ setsockopt((*pudpfd), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on));
+ {
+ int flags = fcntl((*pudpfd), F_GETFL, 0);
+ fcntl((*pudpfd), F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
+ }
+ if (bind((*pudpfd), (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error in UDP bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
// IP address.
-static int lookup_ipmap(in_addr_t ip)
+static sessionidt lookup_ipmap(in_addr_t ip)
uint8_t *a = (uint8_t *) &ip;
- uint8_t **d = (uint8_t **) ip_hash;
+ union iphash *h = ip_hash;
- if (!(d = (uint8_t **) d[(size_t) *a++])) return 0;
- if (!(d = (uint8_t **) d[(size_t) *a++])) return 0;
- if (!(d = (uint8_t **) d[(size_t) *a++])) return 0;
+ if (!(h = h[*a++].idx)) return 0;
+ if (!(h = h[*a++].idx)) return 0;
+ if (!(h = h[*a++].idx)) return 0;
- return (int) (intptr_t) d[(size_t) *a];
+ return h[*a].sess;
-static int lookup_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip)
+static sessionidt lookup_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip)
struct ipv6radix *curnode;
int i;
sessionidt sessionbyip(in_addr_t ip)
- int s = lookup_ipmap(ip);
+ sessionidt s = lookup_ipmap(ip);
if (s > 0 && s < MAXSESSION && session[s].opened)
- return (sessionidt) s;
+ return s;
return 0;
sessionidt sessionbyipv6(struct in6_addr ip)
- int s;
+ sessionidt s;
if (!memcmp(&config->ipv6_prefix, &ip, 8) ||
// (It's actually cached in network order)
-static void cache_ipmap(in_addr_t ip, int s)
+void cache_ipmap(in_addr_t ip, sessionidt s)
in_addr_t nip = htonl(ip); // MUST be in network order. I.e. MSB must in be ((char *) (&ip))[0]
uint8_t *a = (uint8_t *) &nip;
- uint8_t **d = (uint8_t **) ip_hash;
+ union iphash *h = ip_hash;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- if (!d[(size_t) a[i]])
- {
- if (!(d[(size_t) a[i]] = calloc(256, sizeof(void *))))
- return;
- }
+ if (!(h[a[i]].idx || (h[a[i]].idx = calloc(256, sizeof(union iphash)))))
+ return;
- d = (uint8_t **) d[(size_t) a[i]];
+ h = h[a[i]].idx;
- d[(size_t) a[3]] = (uint8_t *) (intptr_t) s;
+ h[a[3]].sess = s;
if (s > 0)
LOG(4, s, session[s].tunnel, "Caching ip address %s\n", fmtaddr(nip, 0));
cache_ipmap(ip, 0); // Assign it to the NULL session.
-static void cache_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, int s)
+static void cache_ipv6map(struct in6_addr ip, int prefixlen, sessionidt s)
int i;
int bytes;
int cmd_show_ipcache(struct cli_def *cli, char *command, char **argv, int argc)
- char **d = (char **) ip_hash, **e, **f, **g;
+ union iphash *d = ip_hash, *e, *f, *g;
int i, j, k, l;
int count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- if (!d[i])
+ if (!d[i].idx)
- e = (char **) d[i];
+ e = d[i].idx;
for (j = 0; j < 256; ++j)
- if (!e[j])
+ if (!e[j].idx)
- f = (char **) e[j];
+ f = e[j].idx;
for (k = 0; k < 256; ++k)
- if (!f[k])
+ if (!f[k].idx)
- g = (char **)f[k];
+ g = f[k].idx;
for (l = 0; l < 256; ++l)
- if (!g[l])
+ if (!g[l].sess)
- cli_print(cli, "%7d %d.%d.%d.%d", (int) (intptr_t) g[l], i, j, k, l);
+ cli_print(cli, "%7d %d.%d.%d.%d", g[l].sess, i, j, k, l);
+ if (t == TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE)
+ {
+ pppoe_sess_send(buf, l, t);
+ return;
+ }
if (!tunnel[t].ip)
LOG(1, 0, t, "Error sending data out tunnel: no remote endpoint (tunnel not set up)\n");
- if (sendto(udpfd, buf, l, 0, (void *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
+ if (sendto(udpfd[tunnel[t].indexudp], buf, l, 0, (void *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0)
LOG(0, ntohs((*(uint16_t *) (buf + 6))), t, "Error sending data out tunnel: %s (udpfd=%d, buf=%p, len=%d, dest=%s)\n",
- strerror(errno), udpfd, buf, l, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
+ strerror(errno), udpfd[tunnel[t].indexudp], buf, l, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
*(uint16_t *) (tcp + 16) = htons(sum + (sum >> 16));
+void processmpframe(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t, uint8_t *p, uint16_t l, uint8_t extra)
+ uint16_t proto;
+ if (extra) {
+ // Skip the four extra bytes
+ p += 4;
+ l -= 4;
+ }
+ if (*p & 1)
+ {
+ proto = *p++;
+ l--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ proto = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) p);
+ p += 2;
+ l -= 2;
+ }
+ if (proto == PPPIP)
+ {
+ if (session[s].die)
+ {
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: Session %d is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
+ return; // closing session, PPP not processed
+ }
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ processipin(s, t, p, l);
+ }
+ else if (proto == PPPIPV6 && config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0])
+ {
+ if (session[s].die)
+ {
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: Session %d is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
+ return; // closing session, PPP not processed
+ }
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ processipv6in(s, t, p, l);
+ }
+ else if (proto == PPPIPCP)
+ {
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ processipcp(s, t, p, l);
+ }
+ else if (proto == PPPCCP)
+ {
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ processccp(s, t, p, l);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(2, s, t, "MPPP: Unsupported MP protocol 0x%04X received\n",proto);
+ }
+static void update_session_out_stat(sessionidt s, sessiont *sp, int len)
+ increment_counter(&sp->cout, &sp->cout_wrap, len); // byte count
+ sp->cout_delta += len;
+ sp->pout++;
+ sp->last_data = time_now;
+ sess_local[s].cout += len; // To send to master..
+ sess_local[s].pout++;
// process outgoing (to tunnel) IP
-static void processipout(uint8_t *buf, int len)
+// (i.e. this routine writes to data[-8]).
+void processipout(uint8_t *buf, int len)
sessionidt s;
+ groupidt g;
sessiont *sp;
tunnelidt t;
in_addr_t ip;
uint8_t *data = buf; // Keep a copy of the originals.
int size = len;
- uint8_t b[MAXETHER + 20];
+ uint8_t fragbuf[MAXETHER + 20];
ip = *(uint32_t *)(buf + 16);
- if (!(s = sessionbyip(ip)))
+ if ((g = grp_groupbyip(ip)))
+ {
+ s = grp_getnextsession(g, ip);
+ if (!s)
+ {
+ // Is this a packet for a session that doesn't exist?
+ static int rate = 0; // Number of ICMP packets we've sent this second.
+ static int last = 0; // Last time we reset the ICMP packet counter 'rate'.
+ if (last != time_now)
+ {
+ last = time_now;
+ rate = 0;
+ }
+ if (rate++ < config->icmp_rate) // Only send a max of icmp_rate per second.
+ {
+ LOG(4, 0, 0, "IP: Sending ICMP host unreachable to %s\n", fmtaddr(*(in_addr_t *)(buf + 12), 0));
+ host_unreachable(*(in_addr_t *)(buf + 12), *(uint16_t *)(buf + 4),
+ config->bind_address ? config->bind_address : my_address, buf, len);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!(s = sessionbyip(ip)))
// Is this a packet for a session that doesn't exist?
static int rate = 0; // Number of ICMP packets we've sent this second.
t = session[s].tunnel;
+ if (len > session[s].mru || (session[s].mrru && len > session[s].mrru))
+ {
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Packet size more than session MRU\n");
+ return;
+ }
sp = &session[s];
// DoS prevention: enforce a maximum number of packets per 0.1s for a session
- LOG(5, s, t, "Ethernet -> Tunnel (%d bytes)\n", len);
+ if(session[s].bundle != 0 && bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links > 1)
+ {
- // Add on L2TP header
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
+ {
+ // The MPPP packets must be managed by the Master.
+ master_forward_mppp_packet(s, data, size);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add on L2TP header
+ sessionidt members[MAXBUNDLESES];
+ bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
+ bundlet *b = &bundle[bid];
+ uint32_t num_of_links, nb_opened;
+ int i;
+ num_of_links = b->num_of_links;
+ nb_opened = 0;
+ for (i = 0;i < num_of_links;i++)
+ {
+ s = b->members[i];
+ if (session[s].ppp.lcp == Opened)
+ {
+ members[nb_opened] = s;
+ nb_opened++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nb_opened < 1)
+ {
+ LOG(3, s, t, "MPPP: PROCESSIPOUT ERROR, no session opened in bundle:%d\n", bid);
+ return;
+ }
+ num_of_links = nb_opened;
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % num_of_links;
+ s = members[b->current_ses];
+ t = session[s].tunnel;
+ sp = &session[s];
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (1)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ if (num_of_links > 1)
+ {
+ if(len > MINFRAGLEN)
+ {
+ //for rotate traffic among the member links
+ uint32_t divisor = num_of_links;
+ if (divisor > 2)
+ divisor = divisor/2 + (divisor & 1);
+ // Partition the packet to "num_of_links" fragments
+ uint32_t fraglen = len / divisor;
+ uint32_t last_fraglen = fraglen + len % divisor;
+ uint32_t remain = len;
+ // send the first packet
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BEGIN);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ // statistics
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
+ remain -= fraglen;
+ while (remain > last_fraglen)
+ {
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % num_of_links;
+ s = members[b->current_ses];
+ t = session[s].tunnel;
+ sp = &session[s];
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), fraglen, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, 0);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, fraglen + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, fraglen);
+ remain -= fraglen;
+ }
+ // send the last fragment
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % num_of_links;
+ s = members[b->current_ses];
+ t = session[s].tunnel;
+ sp = &session[s];
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: (2)Session number becomes: %d\n", s);
+ p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf+(len - remain), remain, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_END);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, remain + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, remain);
+ if (remain != last_fraglen)
+ LOG(3, s, t, "PROCESSIPOUT ERROR REMAIN != LAST_FRAGLEN, %d != %d\n", remain, last_fraglen);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Send it as one frame
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(fragbuf, sizeof(fragbuf), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, bid, MP_BOTH_BITS);
+ if (!p) return;
+ tunnelsend(fragbuf, len + (p-fragbuf), t); // send it...
+ LOG(4, s, t, "MPPP: packet sent as one frame\n");
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Send it as one frame (NO MPPP Frame)
+ uint8_t *p = opt_makeppp(buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, 0, 0);
+ tunnelsend(p, len + (buf-p), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
+ }
+ }
+ else
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP);
- if (!p) return;
- tunnelsend(b, len + (p-b), t); // send it...
+ uint8_t *p = opt_makeppp(buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, 0, 0);
+ tunnelsend(p, len + (buf-p), t); // send it...
+ update_session_out_stat(s, sp, len);
// Snooping this session, send it to intercept box
if (sp->snoop_ip && sp->snoop_port)
snoop_send_packet(buf, len, sp->snoop_ip, sp->snoop_port);
- increment_counter(&sp->cout, &sp->cout_wrap, len); // byte count
- sp->cout_delta += len;
- sp->pout++;
udp_tx += len;
- sess_local[s].cout += len; // To send to master..
- sess_local[s].pout++;
// process outgoing (to tunnel) IPv6
+ if (session[s].bundle && bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links > 1)
+ {
+ bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
+ bundlet *b = &bundle[bid];
+ b->current_ses = (b->current_ses + 1) % b->num_of_links;
+ s = b->members[b->current_ses];
+ LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "MPPP: Session number becomes: %u\n", s);
+ }
t = session[s].tunnel;
sp = &session[s];
+ sp->last_data = time_now;
// FIXME: add DoS prevention/filters?
// Add on L2TP header
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), buf, len, s, t, PPPIPV6);
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), buf, len, s, t, PPPIPV6, 0, 0, 0);
if (!p) return;
tunnelsend(b, len + (p-b), t); // send it...
sessiont *sp;
tunnelidt t;
- in_addr_t ip;
uint8_t b[MAXETHER + 20];
buf += 4;
len -= 4;
- ip = *(in_addr_t *)(buf + 16);
if (!session[s].ip)
// Add on L2TP header
- uint8_t *p = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP);
+ uint8_t *p = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), buf, len, s, t, PPPIP, 0, 0, 0);
if (!p) return;
tunnelsend(b, len + (p-b), t); // send it...
c->next = 0;
- *(uint16_t *) (c->buf + 0) = htons(0xC802); // flags/ver
+ c->buf[0] = 0xC8; // flags
+ c->buf[1] = 0x02; // ver
c->length = 12;
control16(c, 0, mtype, 1);
return c;
// (ZLB send).
static void controlnull(tunnelidt t)
- uint8_t buf[12];
+ uint16_t buf[6];
if (tunnel[t].controlc) // Messages queued; They will carry the ack.
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 0) = htons(0xC802); // flags/ver
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 2) = htons(12); // length
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 4) = htons(tunnel[t].far); // tunnel
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 6) = htons(0); // session
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 8) = htons(tunnel[t].ns); // sequence
- *(uint16_t *) (buf + 10) = htons(tunnel[t].nr); // sequence
- tunnelsend(buf, 12, t);
+ buf[0] = htons(0xC802); // flags/ver
+ buf[1] = htons(12); // length
+ buf[2] = htons(tunnel[t].far); // tunnel
+ buf[3] = htons(0); // session
+ buf[4] = htons(tunnel[t].ns); // sequence
+ buf[5] = htons(tunnel[t].nr); // sequence
+ tunnelsend((uint8_t *)buf, 12, t);
// add a control message to a tunnel, and send if within window
void sessionshutdown(sessionidt s, char const *reason, int cdn_result, int cdn_error, int term_cause)
int walled_garden = session[s].walled_garden;
+ bundleidt b = session[s].bundle;
+ //delete routes only for last session in bundle (in case of MPPP)
+ int del_routes = !b || (bundle[b].num_of_links == 1);
if (!session[s].die)
struct param_kill_session data = { &tunnel[session[s].tunnel], &session[s] };
- LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Shutting down session %d: %s\n", s, reason);
+ LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Shutting down session %u: %s\n", s, reason);
run_plugins(PLUGIN_KILL_SESSION, &data);
memcpy(&shut_acct[shut_acct_n++], &session[s], sizeof(session[s]));
+ if (!session[s].die)
+ session[s].die = TIME + 150; // Clean up in 15 seconds
if (session[s].ip)
- { // IP allocated, clear and unroute
+ { // IP allocated, clear and unroute
int r;
int routed = 0;
for (r = 0; r < MAXROUTE && session[s].route[r].ip; r++)
- if ((session[s].ip & session[s].route[r].mask) ==
- (session[s].route[r].ip & session[s].route[r].mask))
+ if ((session[s].ip >> (32-session[s].route[r].prefixlen)) ==
+ (session[s].route[r].ip >> (32-session[s].route[r].prefixlen)))
- routeset(s, session[s].route[r].ip, session[s].route[r].mask, 0, 0);
+ if (del_routes) routeset(s, session[s].route[r].ip, session[s].route[r].prefixlen, 0, 0);
session[s].route[r].ip = 0;
if (session[s].ip_pool_index == -1) // static ip
- if (!routed) routeset(s, session[s].ip, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!routed && del_routes) routeset(s, session[s].ip, 0, 0, 0);
session[s].ip = 0;
- // unroute IPv6, if setup
- if (session[s].ppp.ipv6cp == Opened && session[s].ipv6prefixlen)
- route6set(s, session[s].ipv6route, session[s].ipv6prefixlen, 0);
+ // unroute IPv6, if setup
+ if (session[s].ppp.ipv6cp == Opened && session[s].ipv6prefixlen && del_routes)
+ route6set(s, session[s].ipv6route, session[s].ipv6prefixlen, 0);
+ if (b)
+ {
+ // This session was part of a bundle
+ bundle[b].num_of_links--;
+ LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "MPPP: Dropping member link: %d from bundle %d\n",s,b);
+ if(bundle[b].num_of_links == 0)
+ {
+ bundleclear(b);
+ LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "MPPP: Kill bundle: %d (No remaing member links)\n",b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Adjust the members array to accomodate the new change
+ uint8_t mem_num = 0;
+ // It should be here num_of_links instead of num_of_links-1 (previous instruction "num_of_links--")
+ if(bundle[b].members[bundle[b].num_of_links] != s)
+ {
+ uint8_t ml;
+ for(ml = 0; ml<bundle[b].num_of_links; ml++)
+ if(bundle[b].members[ml] == s)
+ {
+ mem_num = ml;
+ break;
+ }
+ bundle[b].members[mem_num] = bundle[b].members[bundle[b].num_of_links];
+ LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "MPPP: Adjusted member links array\n");
+ // If the killed session is the first of the bundle,
+ // the new first session must be stored in the cache_ipmap
+ // else the function sessionbyip return 0 and the sending not work any more (processipout).
+ if (mem_num == 0)
+ {
+ sessionidt new_s = bundle[b].members[0];
+ routed = 0;
+ // Add the route for this session.
+ for (r = 0; r < MAXROUTE && session[new_s].route[r].ip; r++)
+ {
+ int i, prefixlen;
+ in_addr_t ip;
+ prefixlen = session[new_s].route[r].prefixlen;
+ ip = session[new_s].route[r].ip;
+ if (!prefixlen) prefixlen = 32;
+ ip &= 0xffffffff << (32 - prefixlen); // Force the ip to be the first one in the route.
+ for (i = ip; i < ip+(1<<(32-prefixlen)) ; ++i)
+ cache_ipmap(i, new_s);
+ }
+ cache_ipmap(session[new_s].ip, new_s);
+ // IPV6 route
+ if (session[new_s].ipv6prefixlen)
+ cache_ipv6map(session[new_s].ipv6route, session[new_s].ipv6prefixlen, new_s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cluster_send_bundle(b);
+ }
if (session[s].throttle_in || session[s].throttle_out) // Unthrottle if throttled.
throttle_session(s, 0, 0);
if (cdn_result)
- { // Send CDN
- controlt *c = controlnew(14); // sending CDN
- if (cdn_error)
+ {
+ if (session[s].tunnel == TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE)
- uint8_t buf[4];
- *(uint16_t *) buf = htons(cdn_result);
- *(uint16_t *) (buf+2) = htons(cdn_error);
- controlb(c, 1, buf, 4, 1);
+ pppoe_shutdown_session(s);
- control16(c, 1, cdn_result, 1);
+ {
+ // Send CDN
+ controlt *c = controlnew(14); // sending CDN
+ if (cdn_error)
+ {
+ uint16_t buf[2];
+ buf[0] = htons(cdn_result);
+ buf[1] = htons(cdn_error);
+ controlb(c, 1, (uint8_t *)buf, 4, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ control16(c, 1, cdn_result, 1);
- control16(c, 14, s, 1); // assigned session (our end)
- controladd(c, session[s].far, session[s].tunnel); // send the message
+ control16(c, 14, s, 1); // assigned session (our end)
+ controladd(c, session[s].far, session[s].tunnel); // send the message
+ }
- if (!session[s].die)
- session[s].die = TIME + 150; // Clean up in 15 seconds
// update filter refcounts
if (session[s].filter_in) ip_filters[session[s].filter_in - 1].used--;
if (session[s].filter_out) ip_filters[session[s].filter_out - 1].used--;
session[s].unique_id = last_id;
- q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPCP);
+ q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPCP, 0, 0, 0);
if (!q) return;
*q = ConfigReq;
q[4] = 3; // ip address option
q[5] = 6; // option length
*(in_addr_t *) (q + 6) = config->peer_address ? config->peer_address :
- config->bind_address ? config->bind_address :
+ config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[t].indexudp] ? config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[t].indexudp] :
my_address; // send my IP
tunnelsend(buf, 10 + (q - buf), t); // send it
LOG(3, s, t, "IPV6CP: send ConfigReq\n");
- q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPV6CP);
+ q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPV6CP, 0, 0, 0);
if (!q) return;
*q = ConfigReq;
// kill a session now
void sessionkill(sessionidt s, char *reason)
+ groupidt g;
if (session[s].next)
- LOG(0, s, session[s].tunnel, "Tried to kill a session with next pointer set (%d)\n", session[s].next);
+ LOG(0, s, session[s].tunnel, "Tried to kill a session with next pointer set (%u)\n", session[s].next);
- session[s].die = TIME;
- sessionshutdown(s, reason, CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_ADMIN_RESET); // close radius/routes, etc.
+ if (!session[s].die)
+ sessionshutdown(s, reason, CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_ADMIN_RESET); // close radius/routes, etc.
if (sess_local[s].radius)
radiusclear(sess_local[s].radius, s); // cant send clean accounting data, session is killed
+ if (session[s].forwardtosession)
+ {
+ sessionidt sess = session[s].forwardtosession;
+ if (session[sess].forwardtosession == s)
+ {
+ // Shutdown the linked session also.
+ sessionshutdown(sess, reason, CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_ADMIN_RESET);
+ }
+ }
LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Kill session %d (%s): %s\n", s, session[s].user, reason);
+ if ((g = grp_groupbysession(s)))
+ {
+ grp_removesession(g, s);
+ }
tunnel[t].state = TUNNELFREE;
+static void bundleclear(bundleidt b)
+ if (!b) return;
+ memset(&bundle[b], 0, sizeof(bundle[b]));
+ bundle[b].state = BUNDLEFREE;
// kill a tunnel now
static void tunnelkill(tunnelidt t, char *reason)
// free tunnel
- LOG(1, 0, t, "Kill tunnel %d: %s\n", t, reason);
+ LOG(1, 0, t, "Kill tunnel %u: %s\n", t, reason);
cli_tunnel_actions[t].action = 0;
tunnelkill(t, reason);
- LOG(1, 0, t, "Shutting down tunnel %d (%s)\n", t, reason);
+ LOG(1, 0, t, "Shutting down tunnel %u (%s)\n", t, reason);
// close session
for (s = 1; s <= config->cluster_highest_sessionid ; ++s)
controlt *c = controlnew(4); // sending StopCCN
if (error)
- uint8_t buf[64];
+ uint16_t buf[32];
int l = 4;
- *(uint16_t *) buf = htons(result);
- *(uint16_t *) (buf+2) = htons(error);
+ buf[0] = htons(result);
+ buf[1] = htons(error);
if (msg)
int m = strlen(msg);
if (m + 4 > sizeof(buf))
m = sizeof(buf) - 4;
- memcpy(buf+4, msg, m);
+ memcpy(buf+2, msg, m);
l += m;
- controlb(c, 1, buf, l, 1);
+ controlb(c, 1, (uint8_t *)buf, l, 1);
control16(c, 1, result, 1);
// read and process packet on tunnel (UDP)
-void processudp(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
+void processudp(uint8_t *buf, int len, struct sockaddr_in *addr, uint16_t indexudpfd)
uint8_t *chapresponse = NULL;
uint16_t l = len, t = 0, s = 0, ns = 0, nr = 0;
if ((buf[1] & 0x0F) != 2)
- LOG(1, 0, 0, "Bad L2TP ver %d\n", (buf[1] & 0x0F) != 2);
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Bad L2TP ver %d\n", buf[1] & 0x0F);
+ if (t == TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE)
+ {
+ LOG(1, s, t, "Received UDP packet with tunnel ID reserved for pppoe\n");
+ STAT(tunnel_rx_errors);
+ return;
+ }
if (*buf & 0x08)
{ // ns/nr
ns = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) p);
if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
- master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port);
+ master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
- LOG(3, s, t, "Control message (%d bytes): (unacked %d) l-ns %d l-nr %d r-ns %d r-nr %d\n",
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Control message (%d bytes): (unacked %d) l-ns %u l-nr %u r-ns %u r-nr %u\n",
l, tunnel[t].controlc, tunnel[t].ns, tunnel[t].nr, ns, nr);
// if no tunnel specified, assign one
tunnel[t].ip = ntohl(*(in_addr_t *) & addr->sin_addr);
tunnel[t].port = ntohs(addr->sin_port);
tunnel[t].window = 4; // default window
+ tunnel[t].indexudp = indexudpfd;
- LOG(1, 0, t, " New tunnel from %s:%u ID %d\n",
+ LOG(1, 0, t, " New tunnel from %s:%u ID %u\n",
fmtaddr(htonl(tunnel[t].ip), 0), tunnel[t].port, t);
// is this the sequence we were expecting?
- LOG(1, 0, t, " Out of sequence tunnel %d, (%d is not the expected %d)\n",
+ LOG(1, 0, t, " Out of sequence tunnel %u, (%u is not the expected %u)\n",
t, ns, tunnel[t].nr);
if (l) // Is this not a ZLB?
int error = 0;
char *msg = 0;
- // default disconnect cause/message on receipt
- // of CDN (set to more specific value from
- // attribute 46 if present below).
+ // Default disconnect cause/message on receipt of CDN. Set to
+ // more specific value from attribute 1 (result code) or 46
+ // (disconnect cause) if present below.
+ int disc_cause_set = 0;
int disc_cause = TERM_NAS_REQUEST;
char const *disc_reason = "Closed (Received CDN).";
b += 2;
if (*(uint16_t *) (b))
- LOG(2, s, t, "Unknown AVP vendor %d\n", ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b)));
+ LOG(2, s, t, "Unknown AVP vendor %u\n", ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b)));
fatal = flags;
result = 2; // general error
error = 6; // generic vendor-specific error
n = orig_len;
- LOG(4, s, t, " AVP %d (%s) len %d%s%s\n", mtype, l2tp_avp_name(mtype), n,
+ LOG(4, s, t, " AVP %u (%s) len %d%s%s\n", mtype, l2tp_avp_name(mtype), n,
flags & 0x40 ? ", hidden" : "", flags & 0x80 ? ", mandatory" : "");
switch (mtype)
case 0: // message type
message = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) b);
mandatory = flags & 0x80;
- LOG(4, s, t, " Message type = %d (%s)\n", *b, l2tp_code(message));
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Message type = %u (%s)\n", message, l2tp_code(message));
case 1: // result code
uint16_t rescode = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) b);
- const char* resdesc = "(unknown)";
+ char const *resdesc = "(unknown)";
+ char const *errdesc = NULL;
+ int cause = 0;
if (message == 4)
{ /* StopCCN */
resdesc = l2tp_stopccn_result_code(rescode);
else if (message == 14)
{ /* CDN */
resdesc = l2tp_cdn_result_code(rescode);
+ if (rescode == 1)
+ else
- LOG(4, s, t, " Result Code %d: %s\n", rescode, resdesc);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Result Code %u: %s\n", rescode, resdesc);
if (n >= 4)
uint16_t errcode = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(b + 2));
- LOG(4, s, t, " Error Code %d: %s\n", errcode, l2tp_error_code(errcode));
+ errdesc = l2tp_error_code(errcode);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Error Code %u: %s\n", errcode, errdesc);
if (n > 4)
LOG(4, s, t, " Error String: %.*s\n", n-4, b+4);
+ if (cause && disc_cause_set < mtype) // take cause from attrib 46 in preference
+ {
+ disc_cause_set = mtype;
+ disc_reason = errdesc ? errdesc : resdesc;
+ disc_cause = cause;
+ }
case 2: // protocol version
version = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b));
- LOG(4, s, t, " Protocol version = %d\n", version);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Protocol version = %u\n", version);
if (version && version != 0x0100)
{ // allow 0.0 and 1.0
LOG(1, s, t, " Bad protocol version %04X\n", version);
case 9: // assigned tunnel
tunnel[t].far = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b));
- LOG(4, s, t, " Remote tunnel id = %d\n", tunnel[t].far);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Remote tunnel id = %u\n", tunnel[t].far);
case 10: // rx window
tunnel[t].window = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b));
if (!tunnel[t].window)
tunnel[t].window = 1; // window of 0 is silly
- LOG(4, s, t, " rx window = %d\n", tunnel[t].window);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " rx window = %u\n", tunnel[t].window);
case 11: // Challenge
case 13: // Response
+ if (tunnel[t].isremotelns)
+ {
+ chapresponse = calloc(17, 1);
+ memcpy(chapresponse, b, (n < 17) ? n : 16);
+ LOG(3, s, t, "received challenge response from REMOTE LNS\n");
+ }
+ else
// Why did they send a response? We never challenge.
LOG(2, s, t, " received unexpected challenge response\n");
case 14: // assigned session
asession = session[s].far = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) (b));
- LOG(4, s, t, " assigned session = %d\n", asession);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " assigned session = %u\n", asession);
case 15: // call serial number
- LOG(4, s, t, " call serial number = %d\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
+ LOG(4, s, t, " call serial number = %u\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
case 18: // bearer type
- LOG(4, s, t, " bearer type = %d\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
+ LOG(4, s, t, " bearer type = %u\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
// TBA - for RADIUS
case 19: // framing type
- LOG(4, s, t, " framing type = %d\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
+ LOG(4, s, t, " framing type = %u\n", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)b));
// TBA
case 21: // called number
case 29: // Proxy Authentication Type
uint16_t atype = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)b);
- LOG(4, s, t, " Proxy Auth Type %d (%s)\n", atype, ppp_auth_type(atype));
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Proxy Auth Type %u (%s)\n", atype, ppp_auth_type(atype));
case 30: // Proxy Authentication Name
case 32: // Proxy Authentication ID
uint16_t authid = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(b));
- LOG(4, s, t, " Proxy Auth ID (%d)\n", authid);
+ LOG(4, s, t, " Proxy Auth ID (%u)\n", authid);
case 33: // Proxy Authentication Response
"(code=%u, proto=%04X, dir=%u, msg=\"%.*s\")\n",
code, proto, dir, n - 5, b + 5);
+ disc_cause_set = mtype;
switch (code)
case 1: // admin disconnect
disc_reason = "Administrative disconnect";
case 3: // lcp terminate
- if (dir != 1) break; // 1=peer, 2=local
+ if (dir != 2) break; // 1=peer (LNS), 2=local (LAC)
disc_cause = TERM_USER_REQUEST;
disc_reason = "Normal disconnection";
case 4: // compulsory encryption unavailable
- if (dir != 2) break; // 1=refused by peer, 2=local
+ if (dir != 1) break; // 1=refused by peer, 2=local
disc_cause = TERM_USER_ERROR;
disc_reason = "Compulsory encryption refused";
static char e[] = "unknown AVP 0xXXXX";
- LOG(2, s, t, " Unknown AVP type %d\n", mtype);
+ LOG(2, s, t, " Unknown AVP type %u\n", mtype);
fatal = flags;
result = 2; // general error
error = 8; // unknown mandatory AVP
case 1: // SCCRQ - Start Control Connection Request
tunnel[t].state = TUNNELOPENING;
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received SCCRQ\n");
if (main_quit != QUIT_SHUTDOWN)
+ LOG(3, s, t, "sending SCCRP\n");
controlt *c = controlnew(2); // sending SCCRP
control16(c, 2, version, 1); // protocol version
control32(c, 3, 3, 1); // framing
case 2: // SCCRP
tunnel[t].state = TUNNELOPEN;
+ tunnel[t].lastrec = time_now;
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received SCCRP\n");
+ if (main_quit != QUIT_SHUTDOWN)
+ {
+ if (tunnel[t].isremotelns && chapresponse)
+ {
+ hasht hash;
+ lac_calc_rlns_auth(t, 2, hash); // id = 2 (SCCRP)
+ // check authenticator
+ if (memcmp(hash, chapresponse, 16) == 0)
+ {
+ LOG(3, s, t, "sending SCCCN to REMOTE LNS\n");
+ controlt *c = controlnew(3); // sending SCCCN
+ controls(c, 7, hostname, 1); // host name
+ controls(c, 8, Vendor_name, 1); // Vendor name
+ control16(c, 2, version, 1); // protocol version
+ control32(c, 3, 3, 1); // framing Capabilities
+ control16(c, 9, t, 1); // assigned tunnel
+ controladd(c, 0, t); // send
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tunnelshutdown(t, "Bad chap response from REMOTE LNS", 4, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tunnelshutdown(t, "Shutting down", 6, 0, 0);
+ }
case 3: // SCCN
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received SCCN\n");
tunnel[t].state = TUNNELOPEN;
+ tunnel[t].lastrec = time_now;
controlnull(t); // ack
case 4: // StopCCN
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received StopCCN\n");
controlnull(t); // ack
tunnelshutdown(t, "Stopped", 0, 0, 0); // Shut down cleanly
case 6: // HELLO
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received HELLO\n");
controlnull(t); // simply ACK
case 7: // OCRQ
// TBA
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received OCRQ\n");
case 8: // OCRO
// TBA
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received OCRO\n");
case 9: // OCCN
// TBA
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received OCCN\n");
case 10: // ICRQ
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received ICRQ\n");
if (sessionfree && main_quit != QUIT_SHUTDOWN)
controlt *c = controlnew(11); // ICRP
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Sending ICRP\n");
s = sessionfree;
sessionfree = session[s].next;
memset(&session[s], 0, sizeof(session[s]));
session[s].opened = time_now;
session[s].tunnel = t;
session[s].far = asession;
- session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- LOG(3, s, t, "New session (%d/%d)\n", tunnel[t].far, session[s].far);
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ LOG(3, s, t, "New session (%u/%u)\n", tunnel[t].far, session[s].far);
control16(c, 14, s, 1); // assigned session
controladd(c, asession, t); // send the reply
controlt *c = controlnew(14); // CDN
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Sending CDN\n");
if (!sessionfree)
case 11: // ICRP
- // TBA
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received ICRP\n");
+ if (session[s].forwardtosession)
+ {
+ controlt *c = controlnew(12); // ICCN
+ session[s].opened = time_now;
+ session[s].tunnel = t;
+ session[s].far = asession;
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ control32(c, 19, 1, 1); // Framing Type
+ control32(c, 24, 10000000, 1); // Tx Connect Speed
+ controladd(c, asession, t); // send the message
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Sending ICCN\n");
+ }
case 12: // ICCN
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received ICCN\n");
if (amagic == 0) amagic = time_now;
session[s].magic = amagic; // set magic number
session[s].flags = aflags; // set flags received
// start LCP
sess_local[s].lcp_authtype = config->radius_authprefer;
sess_local[s].ppp_mru = MRU;
+ // Set multilink options before sending initial LCP packet
+ sess_local[s].mp_mrru = 1614;
+ sess_local[s].mp_epdis = ntohl(config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[t].indexudp] ? config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[t].indexudp] : my_address);
sendlcp(s, t);
change_state(s, lcp, RequestSent);
case 14: // CDN
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Received CDN\n");
controlnull(t); // ack
sessionshutdown(s, disc_reason, CDN_NONE, disc_cause);
if (mandatory)
tunnelshutdown(t, "Unknown message type", 2, 6, "unknown message type");
- LOG(1, s, t, "Unknown message type %d\n", message);
+ LOG(1, s, t, "Unknown message type %u\n", message);
if (chapresponse) free(chapresponse);
l -= 2;
+ if (session[s].forwardtosession)
+ {
+ LOG(5, s, t, "Forwarding data session to session %u\n", session[s].forwardtosession);
+ // Forward to LAC/BAS or Remote LNS session
+ lac_session_forward(buf, len, s, proto, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (config->auth_tunnel_change_addr_src)
+ {
+ if (tunnel[t].ip != ntohl(addr->sin_addr.s_addr) &&
+ tunnel[t].port == ntohs(addr->sin_port))
+ {
+ // The remotes BAS are a clustered l2tpns server and the source IP has changed
+ LOG(5, s, t, "The tunnel IP source (%s) has changed by new IP (%s)\n",
+ fmtaddr(htonl(tunnel[t].ip), 0), fmtaddr(addr->sin_addr.s_addr, 0));
+ tunnel[t].ip = ntohl(addr->sin_addr.s_addr);
+ }
+ }
if (s && !session[s].opened) // Is something wrong??
if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
// Pass it off to the master to deal with..
- master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port);
+ master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
LOG(1, s, t, "UDP packet contains session which is not opened. Dropping packet.\n");
if (proto == PPPPAP)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processpap(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPCHAP)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processchap(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPLCP)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processlcp(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPIPCP)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processipcp(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPIPV6CP && config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0])
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processipv6cp(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPCCP)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
processccp(s, t, p, l);
else if (proto == PPPIP)
if (session[s].die)
- LOG(4, s, t, "Session %d is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
+ LOG(4, s, t, "Session %u is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
return; // closing session, PPP not processed
- session[s].last_packet = time_now;
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
if (session[s].walled_garden && !config->cluster_iam_master)
- master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port);
+ master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
processipin(s, t, p, l);
+ else if (proto == PPPMP)
+ {
+ if (session[s].die)
+ {
+ LOG(4, s, t, "Session %u is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
+ return; // closing session, PPP not processed
+ }
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
+ {
+ // The fragments reconstruction is managed by the Master.
+ master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
+ return;
+ }
+ processmpin(s, t, p, l);
+ }
else if (proto == PPPIPV6 && config->ipv6_prefix.s6_addr[0])
if (session[s].die)
- LOG(4, s, t, "Session %d is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
+ LOG(4, s, t, "Session %u is closing. Don't process PPP packets\n", s);
return; // closing session, PPP not processed
- session[s].last_packet = time_now;
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
if (session[s].walled_garden && !config->cluster_iam_master)
- master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port);
+ master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd);
else if (session[s].ppp.lcp == Opened)
session[s].last_packet = time_now;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port); return; }
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master) { master_forward_packet(buf, len, addr->sin_addr.s_addr, addr->sin_port, indexudpfd); return; }
protoreject(s, t, p, l, proto);
// read and process packet on tun
+// (i.e. this routine writes to buf[-8]).
static void processtun(uint8_t * buf, int len)
LOG_HEX(5, "Receive TUN Data", buf, len);
if (t > config->cluster_highest_tunnelid)
t = 1;
+ if (t == TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE)
+ continue;
// check for expired tunnels
if (tunnel[t].die && tunnel[t].die <= TIME)
if (tunnel[t].retry <= TIME)
controlt *c = tunnel[t].controls;
- uint8_t w = tunnel[t].window;
+ uint16_t w = tunnel[t].window;
tunnel[t].try++; // another try
if (tunnel[t].try > 5)
tunnelkill(t, "Timeout on control message"); // game over
// Send hello
if (tunnel[t].state == TUNNELOPEN && !tunnel[t].controlc && (time_now - tunnel[t].lastrec) > 60)
- controlt *c = controlnew(6); // sending HELLO
- controladd(c, 0, t); // send the message
- LOG(3, 0, t, "Sending HELLO message\n");
- t_actions++;
+ if (!config->disable_sending_hello)
+ {
+ controlt *c = controlnew(6); // sending HELLO
+ controladd(c, 0, t); // send the message
+ LOG(3, 0, t, "Sending HELLO message\n");
+ t_actions++;
+ }
// Check for tunnel changes requested from the CLI
- // Drop sessions who have not responded within IDLE_TIMEOUT seconds
- if (session[s].last_packet && (time_now - session[s].last_packet >= IDLE_TIMEOUT))
+ // Drop sessions who have not responded within IDLE_ECHO_TIMEOUT seconds
+ if (session[s].last_packet && (time_now - session[s].last_packet >= config->idle_echo_timeout))
sessionshutdown(s, "No response to LCP ECHO requests.", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_LOST_SERVICE);
// No data in ECHO_TIMEOUT seconds, send LCP ECHO
- if (session[s].ppp.phase >= Establish && (time_now - session[s].last_packet >= ECHO_TIMEOUT) &&
- (time_now - sess_local[s].last_echo >= ECHO_TIMEOUT))
+ if (session[s].ppp.phase >= Establish && (time_now - session[s].last_packet >= config->echo_timeout) &&
+ (time_now - sess_local[s].last_echo >= config->echo_timeout))
uint8_t b[MAXETHER];
- uint8_t *q = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), 0, 0, s, session[s].tunnel, PPPLCP);
+ uint8_t *q = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), 0, 0, s, session[s].tunnel, PPPLCP, 1, 0, 0);
if (!q) continue;
*q = EchoReq;
LOG(4, s, session[s].tunnel, "No data in %d seconds, sending LCP ECHO\n",
(int)(time_now - session[s].last_packet));
- tunnelsend(b, 24, session[s].tunnel); // send it
+ tunnelsend(b, (q - b) + 8, session[s].tunnel); // send it
sess_local[s].last_echo = time_now;
+ // Drop sessions who have reached session_timeout seconds
+ if (session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ bundleidt bid = session[s].bundle;
+ if (bid)
+ {
+ if (time_now - bundle[bid].last_check >= 1)
+ {
+ bundle[bid].online_time += (time_now - bundle[bid].last_check) * bundle[bid].num_of_links;
+ bundle[bid].last_check = time_now;
+ if (bundle[bid].online_time >= session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ int ses;
+ for (ses = bundle[bid].num_of_links - 1; ses >= 0; ses--)
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(bundle[bid].members[ses], "Session timeout", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (time_now - session[s].opened >= session[s].session_timeout)
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(s, "Session timeout", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // Drop sessions who have reached idle_timeout seconds
+ if (session[s].last_data && session[s].idle_timeout && (time_now - session[s].last_data >= session[s].idle_timeout))
+ {
+ sessionshutdown(s, "Idle Timeout Reached", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_IDLE_TIMEOUT);
+ STAT(session_timeout);
+ s_actions++;
+ continue;
+ }
// Check for actions requested from the CLI
if ((a = cli_session_actions[s].action))
else if (a & CLI_SESS_SNOOP)
- LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Snooping session by CLI (to %s:%d)\n",
+ LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Snooping session by CLI (to %s:%u)\n",
fmtaddr(cli_session_actions[s].snoop_ip, 0),
if (config->radius_accounting && config->radius_interim > 0
&& session[s].ip && !session[s].walled_garden
&& !sess_local[s].radius // RADIUS already in progress
- && time_now - sess_local[s].last_interim >= config->radius_interim)
+ && time_now - sess_local[s].last_interim >= config->radius_interim
+ && session[s].flags & SESSION_STARTED)
int rad = radiusnew(s);
if (!rad)
static clockt last_talked = 0;
static clockt start_busy_wait = 0;
- if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
- {
#ifdef BGP
- static time_t stopped_bgp = 0;
- if (bgp_configured)
+ static time_t stopped_bgp = 0;
+ if (bgp_configured)
+ {
+ if (!stopped_bgp)
- if (!stopped_bgp)
- {
- LOG(1, 0, 0, "Shutting down in %d seconds, stopping BGP...\n", QUIT_DELAY);
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Shutting down in %d seconds, stopping BGP...\n", QUIT_DELAY);
- for (i = 0; i < BGP_NUM_PEERS; i++)
- if (bgp_peers[i].state == Established)
- bgp_stop(&bgp_peers[i]);
+ for (i = 0; i < BGP_NUM_PEERS; i++)
+ if (bgp_peers[i].state == Established)
+ bgp_stop(&bgp_peers[i]);
- stopped_bgp = time_now;
+ stopped_bgp = time_now;
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
+ {
// we don't want to become master
return 1;
- if (time_now < (stopped_bgp + QUIT_DELAY))
- return 1;
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master && time_now < (stopped_bgp + QUIT_DELAY))
+ return 1;
+ }
#endif /* BGP */
+ if (!config->cluster_iam_master)
return 0;
- }
if (main_quit == QUIT_SHUTDOWN)
if (last_talked != TIME)
- LOG(2, 0, 0, "Tunnel %d still has un-acked control messages.\n", i);
+ LOG(2, 0, 0, "Tunnel %u still has un-acked control messages.\n", i);
last_talked = TIME;
return 1;
if (last_talked != TIME)
- LOG(2, 0, 0, "Radius session %d is still busy (sid %d)\n", i, radius[i].session);
+ LOG(2, 0, 0, "Radius session %u is still busy (sid %u)\n", i, radius[i].session);
last_talked = TIME;
return 1;
# include "fake_epoll.h"
-// the base set of fds polled: cli, cluster, tun, udp, control, dae
-#define BASE_FDS 6
+// the base set of fds polled: cli, cluster, tun, udp (MAX_UDPFD), control, dae, netlink, udplac, pppoedisc, pppoesess
+#define BASE_FDS (9 + MAX_UDPFD)
// additional polled fds
#ifdef BGP
// main loop - gets packets on tun or udp and processes them
static void mainloop(void)
- int i;
+ int i, j;
uint8_t buf[65536];
+ uint8_t *p = buf + 32; // for the hearder of the forwarded MPPP packet (see C_MPPP_FORWARD)
+ // and the forwarded pppoe session
+ int size_bufp = sizeof(buf) - 32;
clockt next_cluster_ping = 0; // send initial ping immediately
struct epoll_event events[BASE_FDS + RADIUS_FDS + EXTRA_FDS];
int maxevent = sizeof(events)/sizeof(*events);
- LOG(4, 0, 0, "Beginning of main loop. clifd=%d, cluster_sockfd=%d, tunfd=%d, udpfd=%d, controlfd=%d, daefd=%d\n",
- clifd, cluster_sockfd, tunfd, udpfd, controlfd, daefd);
+ LOG(4, 0, 0, "Beginning of main loop. clifd=%d, cluster_sockfd=%d, tunfd=%d, udpfd=%d, controlfd=%d, daefd=%d, nlfd=%d , udplacfd=%d, pppoefd=%d, pppoesessfd=%d\n",
+ clifd, cluster_sockfd, tunfd, udpfd[0], controlfd, daefd, nlfd, udplacfd, pppoediscfd, pppoesessfd);
/* setup our fds to poll for input */
e.events = EPOLLIN;
i = 0;
- d[i].type = FD_TYPE_CLI;
- e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
- epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, clifd, &e);
+ if (clifd >= 0)
+ {
+ d[i].type = FD_TYPE_CLI;
+ e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
+ epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, clifd, &e);
+ }
d[i].type = FD_TYPE_CLUSTER;
e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, tunfd, &e);
- d[i].type = FD_TYPE_UDP;
- e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
- epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, udpfd, &e);
d[i].type = FD_TYPE_CONTROL;
e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, controlfd, &e);
d[i].type = FD_TYPE_DAE;
e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, daefd, &e);
+ d[i].type = FD_TYPE_NETLINK;
+ e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
+ epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, nlfd, &e);
+ d[i].type = FD_TYPE_PPPOEDISC;
+ e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
+ epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, pppoediscfd, &e);
+ d[i].type = FD_TYPE_PPPOESESS;
+ e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
+ epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, pppoesessfd, &e);
+ for (j = 0; j < config->nbudpfd; j++)
+ {
+ d[i].type = FD_TYPE_UDP;
+ d[i].index = j;
+ e.data.ptr = &d[i++];
+ epoll_ctl(epollfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, udpfd[j], &e);
+ }
#ifdef BGP
if (config->neighbour[i].name[0])
bgp_start(&bgp_peers[i], config->neighbour[i].name,
config->neighbour[i].as, config->neighbour[i].keepalive,
- config->neighbour[i].hold, 0); /* 0 = routing disabled */
+ config->neighbour[i].hold, config->neighbour[i].update_source,
+ 0); /* 0 = routing disabled */
#endif /* BGP */
struct in_addr local;
socklen_t alen;
int c, s;
- int udp_ready = 0;
+ int udp_ready[MAX_UDPFD + 1] = INIT_TABUDPVAR;
+ int pppoesess_ready = 0;
+ int pppoesess_pkts = 0;
int tun_ready = 0;
int cluster_ready = 0;
- int udp_pkts = 0;
+ int udp_pkts[MAX_UDPFD + 1] = INIT_TABUDPVAR;
int tun_pkts = 0;
int cluster_pkts = 0;
#ifdef BGP
// these are handled below, with multiple interleaved reads
case FD_TYPE_CLUSTER: cluster_ready++; break;
case FD_TYPE_TUN: tun_ready++; break;
- case FD_TYPE_UDP: udp_ready++; break;
+ case FD_TYPE_UDP: udp_ready[d->index]++; break;
+ case FD_TYPE_PPPOESESS: pppoesess_ready++; break;
+ case FD_TYPE_PPPOEDISC: // pppoe discovery
+ s = read(pppoediscfd, p, size_bufp);
+ if (s > 0) process_pppoe_disc(p, s);
+ n--;
+ break;
case FD_TYPE_CONTROL: // nsctl commands
alen = sizeof(addr);
- s = recvfromto(controlfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen, &local);
- if (s > 0) processcontrol(buf, s, &addr, alen, &local);
+ s = recvfromto(controlfd, p, size_bufp, MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen, &local);
+ if (s > 0) processcontrol(p, s, &addr, alen, &local);
case FD_TYPE_DAE: // DAE requests
alen = sizeof(addr);
- s = recvfromto(daefd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen, &local);
- if (s > 0) processdae(buf, s, &addr, alen, &local);
+ s = recvfromto(daefd, p, size_bufp, MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen, &local);
+ if (s > 0) processdae(p, s, &addr, alen, &local);
case FD_TYPE_RADIUS: // RADIUS response
alen = sizeof(addr);
- s = recvfrom(radfds[d->index], buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen);
+ s = recvfrom(radfds[d->index], p, size_bufp, MSG_WAITALL, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen);
if (s >= 0 && config->cluster_iam_master)
if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr == config->radiusserver[0] ||
addr.sin_addr.s_addr == config->radiusserver[1])
- processrad(buf, s, d->index);
+ processrad(p, s, d->index);
LOG(3, 0, 0, "Dropping RADIUS packet from unknown source %s\n",
fmtaddr(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, 0));
#ifdef BGP
- bgp_events[d->index] = events[i].events;
- n--;
+ bgp_events[d->index] = events[i].events;
+ n--;
#endif /* BGP */
+ {
+ struct nlmsghdr *nh = (struct nlmsghdr *)p;
+ s = netlink_recv(p, size_bufp);
+ if (nh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR)
+ {
+ struct nlmsgerr *errmsg = NLMSG_DATA(nh);
+ if (errmsg->error)
+ {
+ if (errmsg->msg.nlmsg_seq < min_initok_nlseqnum)
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Got a fatal netlink error (while %s): %s\n", tun_nl_phase_msg[nh->nlmsg_seq], strerror(-errmsg->error));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Got a netlink error: %s\n", strerror(-errmsg->error));
+ }
+ // else it's a ack
+ }
+ else
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Got a unknown netlink message: type %d seq %d flags %d\n", nh->nlmsg_type, nh->nlmsg_seq, nh->nlmsg_flags);
+ n--;
+ break;
+ }
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Unexpected fd type returned from epoll_wait: %d\n", d->type);
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Unexpected fd type returned from epoll_wait: %d\n", d->type);
for (c = 0; n && c < config->multi_read_count; c++)
- // L2TP
- if (udp_ready)
+ for (j = 0; j < config->nbudpfd; j++)
- alen = sizeof(addr);
- if ((s = recvfrom(udpfd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (void *) &addr, &alen)) > 0)
+ if (udp_ready[j])
+ {
+ alen = sizeof(addr);
+ if ((s = recvfrom(udpfd[j], p, size_bufp, 0, (void *) &addr, &alen)) > 0)
+ {
+ processudp(p, s, &addr, j);
+ udp_pkts[j]++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ udp_ready[j] = 0;
+ n--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // incoming IP
+ if (tun_ready)
+ {
+ if ((s = read(tunfd, p, size_bufp)) > 0)
- processudp(buf, s, &addr);
- udp_pkts++;
+ processtun(p, s);
+ tun_pkts++;
- udp_ready = 0;
+ tun_ready = 0;
- // incoming IP
- if (tun_ready)
+ // pppoe session
+ if (pppoesess_ready)
- if ((s = read(tunfd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
+ if ((s = read(pppoesessfd, p, size_bufp)) > 0)
- processtun(buf, s);
- tun_pkts++;
+ process_pppoe_sess(p, s);
+ pppoesess_pkts++;
- tun_ready = 0;
+ pppoesess_ready = 0;
if (cluster_ready)
alen = sizeof(addr);
- if ((s = recvfrom(cluster_sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_WAITALL, (void *) &addr, &alen)) > 0)
+ if ((s = recvfrom(cluster_sockfd, p, size_bufp, MSG_WAITALL, (void *) &addr, &alen)) > 0)
- processcluster(buf, s, addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
+ processcluster(p, s, addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
- if (udp_pkts > 1 || tun_pkts > 1 || cluster_pkts > 1)
+ if (udp_pkts[0] > 1 || tun_pkts > 1 || cluster_pkts > 1)
if (c >= config->multi_read_count)
- LOG(3, 0, 0, "Reached multi_read_count (%d); processed %d udp, %d tun and %d cluster packets\n",
- config->multi_read_count, udp_pkts, tun_pkts, cluster_pkts);
+ LOG(3, 0, 0, "Reached multi_read_count (%d); processed %d udp, %d tun %d cluster and %d pppoe packets\n",
+ config->multi_read_count, udp_pkts[0], tun_pkts, cluster_pkts, pppoesess_pkts);
+#ifdef BGP
+ else
+ /* no event received, but timers could still have expired */
+ bgp_process_peers_timers();
+#endif /* BGP */
if (time_changed)
config->ppp_restart_time = 3;
config->ppp_max_configure = 10;
config->ppp_max_failure = 5;
+ config->kill_timedout_sessions = 1;
strcpy(config->random_device, RANDOMDEVICE);
+ // Set default value echo_timeout and idle_echo_timeout
+ config->echo_timeout = ECHO_TIMEOUT;
+ config->idle_echo_timeout = IDLE_ECHO_TIMEOUT;
log_stream = stderr;
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error doing malloc for tunnels: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ if (!(bundle = shared_malloc(sizeof(bundlet) * MAXBUNDLE)))
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error doing malloc for bundles: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (!(frag = shared_malloc(sizeof(fragmentationt) * MAXBUNDLE)))
+ {
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error doing malloc for fragmentations: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ exit(1);
+ }
if (!(session = shared_malloc(sizeof(sessiont) * MAXSESSION)))
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Error doing malloc for sessions: %s\n", strerror(errno));
memset(cli_tunnel_actions, 0, sizeof(struct cli_tunnel_actions) * MAXSESSION);
memset(tunnel, 0, sizeof(tunnelt) * MAXTUNNEL);
+ memset(bundle, 0, sizeof(bundlet) * MAXBUNDLE);
memset(session, 0, sizeof(sessiont) * MAXSESSION);
memset(radius, 0, sizeof(radiust) * MAXRADIUS);
memset(ip_address_pool, 0, sizeof(ippoolt) * MAXIPPOOL);
for (i = 1; i < MAXTUNNEL; i++)
tunnel[i].state = TUNNELUNDEF; // mark it as not filled in.
+ for (i = 1; i < MAXBUNDLE; i++) {
+ bundle[i].state = BUNDLEUNDEF;
+ }
if (!*hostname)
// Grab my hostname unless it's been specified
#endif /* BGP */
+ lac_initremotelnsdata();
+ grp_initdata();
static int assign_ip_address(sessionidt s)
if (ipid < 1) // Not found in the pool either? good.
- LOG(0, i, 0, "Session %d has an IP address (%s) that was marked static, but is in the pool (%d)!\n",
+ LOG(0, i, 0, "Session %u has an IP address (%s) that was marked static, but is in the pool (%d)!\n",
i, fmtaddr(session[i].ip, 0), ipid);
// Fall through and process it as part of the pool.
if (ipid > MAXIPPOOL || ipid < 0)
- LOG(0, i, 0, "Session %d has a pool IP that's not found in the pool! (%d)\n", i, ipid);
+ LOG(0, i, 0, "Session %u has a pool IP that's not found in the pool! (%d)\n", i, ipid);
ipid = -1;
session[i].ip_pool_index = ipid;
// Add a block of addresses to the IP pool to hand out.
-static void add_to_ip_pool(in_addr_t addr, in_addr_t mask)
+static void add_to_ip_pool(in_addr_t addr, int prefixlen)
int i;
- if (mask == 0)
- mask = 0xffffffff; // Host route only.
+ if (prefixlen == 0)
+ prefixlen = 32; // Host route only.
- addr &= mask;
+ addr &= 0xffffffff << (32 - prefixlen);
if (ip_pool_size >= MAXIPPOOL) // Pool is full!
return ;
- for (i = addr ;(i & mask) == addr; ++i)
+ for (i = addr ; i < addr+(1<<(32-prefixlen)); ++i)
if ((i & 0xff) == 0 || (i&0xff) == 255)
continue; // Skip 0 and broadcast addresses.
// It's a range
int numbits = 0;
- in_addr_t start = 0, mask = 0;
+ in_addr_t start = 0;
LOG(2, 0, 0, "Adding IP address range %s\n", buf);
*p++ = 0;
start = ntohl(inet_addr(pool));
- mask = (in_addr_t) (pow(2, numbits) - 1) << (32 - numbits);
// Add a static route for this pool
- LOG(5, 0, 0, "Adding route for address pool %s/%u\n",
- fmtaddr(htonl(start), 0), 32 + mask);
+ LOG(5, 0, 0, "Adding route for address pool %s/%d\n",
+ fmtaddr(htonl(start), 0), numbits);
- routeset(0, start, mask, 0, 1);
+ routeset(0, start, numbits, 0, 1);
- add_to_ip_pool(start, mask);
+ add_to_ip_pool(start, numbits);
snoop_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = destination;
snoop_addr.sin_port = ntohs(port);
- LOG(5, 0, 0, "Snooping %d byte packet to %s:%d\n", size,
+ LOG(5, 0, 0, "Snooping %d byte packet to %s:%u\n", size,
fmtaddr(snoop_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, 0),
static int dump_session(FILE **f, sessiont *s)
- if (!s->opened || !s->ip || !(s->cin_delta || s->cout_delta) || !*s->user || s->walled_garden)
+ if (!s->opened || (!s->ip && !s->forwardtosession) || !(s->cin_delta || s->cout_delta) || !*s->user || s->walled_garden)
return 1;
if (!*f)
"# uptime: %ld\n"
"# format: username ip qos uptxoctets downrxoctets\n",
- fmtaddr(config->bind_address ? config->bind_address : my_address, 0),
+ fmtaddr(config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[s->tunnel].indexudp] ? config->iftun_n_address[tunnel[s->tunnel].indexudp] : my_address, 0),
now - basetime);
initdata(optdebug, optconfig);
- init_cli(hostname);
+ init_cli();
+ /* set hostname /after/ having read the config file */
+ if (*config->hostname)
+ strcpy(hostname, config->hostname);
+ cli_init_complete(hostname);
LOG(0, 0, 0, "L2TPNS version " VERSION "\n");
- LOG(0, 0, 0, "Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 Optus Internet Engineering\n");
+ LOG(0, 0, 0, "Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Optus Internet Engineering\n");
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Copyright (c) 2002 FireBrick (Andrews & Arnold Ltd / Watchfront Ltd) - GPL licenced\n");
struct rlimit rlim;
+ initnetlink();
/* Set up the cluster communications port. */
if (cluster_init() < 0)
- LOG(1, 0, 0, "Set up on interface %s\n", config->tundevice);
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Set up on interface %s\n", config->tundevicename);
+ if (*config->pppoe_if_to_bind)
+ {
+ init_pppoe();
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Set up on pppoe interface %s\n", config->pppoe_if_to_bind);
+ }
+ if (!config->nbmultiaddress)
+ {
+ config->bind_n_address[0] = config->bind_address;
+ config->nbmultiaddress++;
+ }
+ config->nbudpfd = config->nbmultiaddress;
+ for (i = 0; i < config->nbudpfd; i++)
+ initudp(&udpfd[i], config->bind_n_address[i]);
+ initlacudp();
+ config->indexlacudpfd = config->nbudpfd;
+ udpfd[config->indexlacudpfd] = udplacfd;
+ config->nbudpfd++;
+ initcontrol();
+ initdae();
+ // Intercept
+ snoopfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
- initudp();
LOG(0, 0, 0, "Can't lock pages: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- // Drop privileges here
- if (config->target_uid > 0 && geteuid() == 0)
- setuid(config->target_uid);
+ //LOG(3, 0, 0, "Debug sizeof struct: sessiont %lu, tunnelt %lu, bundlet %lu, groupsesst %lu\n",
+ // sizeof(sessiont), sizeof(tunnelt), sizeof(bundlet), sizeof(groupsesst));
if (!config->radius_dae_port)
config->radius_dae_port = DAEPORT;
+ if(!config->bind_portremotelns)
+ config->bind_portremotelns = L2TPLACPORT;
+ if(!config->bind_address_remotelns)
+ config->bind_address_remotelns = INADDR_ANY;
+ if (*config->bind_multi_address)
+ {
+ char *sip = config->bind_multi_address;
+ char *n = sip;
+ char *e = config->bind_multi_address + strlen(config->bind_multi_address);
+ config->nbmultiaddress = 0;
+ while (*sip && (sip < e))
+ {
+ in_addr_t ip = 0;
+ uint8_t u = 0;
+ while (n < e && (*n == ',' || *n == ' ')) n++;
+ while (n < e && (isdigit(*n) || *n == '.'))
+ {
+ if (*n == '.')
+ {
+ ip = (ip << 8) + u;
+ u = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ u = u * 10 + *n - '0';
+ n++;
+ }
+ ip = (ip << 8) + u;
+ n++;
+ if (ip)
+ {
+ config->bind_n_address[config->nbmultiaddress] = htonl(ip);
+ config->iftun_n_address[config->nbmultiaddress] = htonl(ip);
+ config->nbmultiaddress++;
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Bind address %s\n", fmtaddr(htonl(ip), 0));
+ }
+ sip = n;
+ }
+ if (config->nbmultiaddress >= 1)
+ {
+ config->bind_address = config->bind_n_address[0];
+ config->iftun_address = config->bind_address;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!config->iftun_address)
+ {
+ config->iftun_address = config->bind_address;
+ config->iftun_n_address[0] = config->iftun_address;
+ }
+ if (!*config->pppoe_ac_name)
+ strncpy(config->pppoe_ac_name, DEFAULT_PPPOE_AC_NAME, sizeof(config->pppoe_ac_name) - 1);
// re-initialise the random number source
+ // Guest change
+ guest_accounts_num = 0;
+ char *p2 = config->guest_user;
+ while (p2 && *p2)
+ {
+ char *s = strpbrk(p2, " \t,");
+ if (s)
+ {
+ *s++ = 0;
+ while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')
+ s++;
+ if (!*s)
+ s = 0;
+ }
+ strcpy(guest_users[guest_accounts_num], p2);
+ LOG(1, 0, 0, "Guest account[%d]: %s\n", guest_accounts_num, guest_users[guest_accounts_num]);
+ guest_accounts_num++;
+ p2 = s;
+ }
+ // Rebuild the guest_user array
+ strcpy(config->guest_user, "");
+ int ui = 0;
+ for (ui=0; ui<guest_accounts_num; ui++)
+ {
+ strcat(config->guest_user, guest_users[ui]);
+ if (ui<guest_accounts_num-1)
+ {
+ strcat(config->guest_user, ",");
+ }
+ }
memcpy(config->old_plugins, config->plugins, sizeof(config->plugins));
if (!config->multi_read_count) config->multi_read_count = 10;
if (!config->cluster_address) config->cluster_address = inet_addr(DEFAULT_MCAST_ADDR);
LOG(3, s, t, "Doing session setup for session\n");
+ // Join a bundle if the MRRU option is accepted
+ if(session[s].mrru > 0 && session[s].bundle == 0)
+ {
+ LOG(3, s, t, "This session can be part of multilink bundle\n");
+ if (join_bundle(s) > 0)
+ cluster_send_bundle(session[s].bundle);
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(0, s, t, "MPPP: Mismaching mssf option with other sessions in bundle\n");
+ sessionshutdown(s, "Mismaching mssf option.", CDN_NONE, TERM_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
if (!session[s].ip)
fmtaddr(htonl(session[s].ip), 0));
// Make sure this is right
session[s].tunnel = t;
for (i = 1; i <= config->cluster_highest_sessionid; i++)
if (i == s) continue;
- if (!session[s].opened) continue;
+ if (!session[s].opened) break;
+ // Allow duplicate sessions for multilink ones of the same bundle.
+ if (session[s].bundle && session[i].bundle && session[s].bundle == session[i].bundle) continue;
if (ip == session[i].ip)
- sessionkill(i, "Duplicate IP address");
+ sessionshutdown(i, "Duplicate IP address", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_ADMIN_RESET); // close radius/routes, etc.
if (config->allow_duplicate_users) continue;
if (session[s].walled_garden || session[i].walled_garden) continue;
+ // Guest change
+ int found = 0;
+ int gu;
+ for (gu = 0; gu < guest_accounts_num; gu++)
+ {
+ if (!strcasecmp(user, guest_users[gu]))
+ {
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) continue;
+ // Drop the new session in case of duplicate sessionss, not the old one.
if (!strcasecmp(user, session[i].user))
- sessionkill(i, "Duplicate session for users");
+ sessionshutdown(i, "Duplicate session for users", CDN_ADMIN_DISC, TERM_ADMIN_RESET); // close radius/routes, etc.
+ // no need to set a route for the same IP address of the bundle
+ if (!session[s].bundle || (bundle[session[s].bundle].num_of_links == 1))
- int routed = 0;
+ int routed = 0;
+ groupidt g;
// Add the route for this session.
for (r = 0; r < MAXROUTE && session[s].route[r].ip; r++)
- if ((session[s].ip & session[s].route[r].mask) ==
- (session[s].route[r].ip & session[s].route[r].mask))
+ if ((session[s].ip >> (32-session[s].route[r].prefixlen)) ==
+ (session[s].route[r].ip >> (32-session[s].route[r].prefixlen)))
- routeset(s, session[s].route[r].ip, session[s].route[r].mask, 0, 1);
+ routeset(s, session[s].route[r].ip, session[s].route[r].prefixlen, 0, 1);
// Static IPs need to be routed if not already
cache_ipmap(session[s].ip, s);
+ if ((g = grp_groupbysession(s)))
+ {
+ grp_setgrouproute(g, 1);
+ cluster_send_groupe(g);
+ }
sess_local[s].lcp_authtype = 0; // RADIUS authentication complete
if (session[s].throttle_in || session[s].throttle_out)
throttle_session(s, session[s].throttle_in, session[s].throttle_out);
- session[s].last_packet = time_now;
+ session[s].last_packet = session[s].last_data = time_now;
LOG(2, s, t, "Login by %s at %s from %s (%s)\n", session[s].user,
fmtaddr(htonl(session[s].ip), 0),
for (i = 0; !newip && i < MAXROUTE && (session[s].route[i].ip || new->route[i].ip); i++)
if (new->route[i].ip != session[s].route[i].ip ||
- new->route[i].mask != session[s].route[i].mask)
+ new->route[i].prefixlen != session[s].route[i].prefixlen)
// needs update
// remove old routes...
for (i = 0; i < MAXROUTE && session[s].route[i].ip; i++)
- if ((session[s].ip & session[s].route[i].mask) ==
- (session[s].route[i].ip & session[s].route[i].mask))
+ if ((session[s].ip >> (32-session[s].route[i].prefixlen)) ==
+ (session[s].route[i].ip >> (32-session[s].route[i].prefixlen)))
- routeset(s, session[s].route[i].ip, session[s].route[i].mask, 0, 0);
+ routeset(s, session[s].route[i].ip, session[s].route[i].prefixlen, 0, 0);
// ...ip
// add new routes...
for (i = 0; i < MAXROUTE && new->route[i].ip; i++)
- if ((new->ip & new->route[i].mask) ==
- (new->route[i].ip & new->route[i].mask))
+ if ((new->ip >> (32-new->route[i].prefixlen)) ==
+ (new->route[i].ip >> (32-new->route[i].prefixlen)))
- routeset(s, new->route[i].ip, new->route[i].mask, 0, 1);
+ routeset(s, new->route[i].ip, new->route[i].prefixlen, 0, 1);
// ...ip
// check filters
if (new->filter_in && (new->filter_in > MAXFILTER || !ip_filters[new->filter_in - 1].name[0]))
- LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Dropping invalid input filter %d\n", (int) new->filter_in);
+ LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Dropping invalid input filter %u\n", (int) new->filter_in);
new->filter_in = 0;
if (new->filter_out && (new->filter_out > MAXFILTER || !ip_filters[new->filter_out - 1].name[0]))
- LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Dropping invalid output filter %d\n", (int) new->filter_out);
+ LOG(2, s, session[s].tunnel, "Dropping invalid output filter %u\n", (int) new->filter_out);
new->filter_out = 0;
tunnelidt i;
for (i = 1; i < MAXTUNNEL; i++)
- if (tunnel[i].state == TUNNELFREE)
+ if ((tunnel[i].state == TUNNELFREE) && (i != TUNNEL_ID_PPPOE))
- LOG(4, 0, i, "Assigning tunnel ID %d\n", i);
+ LOG(4, 0, i, "Assigning tunnel ID %u\n", i);
if (i > config->cluster_highest_tunnelid)
config->cluster_highest_tunnelid = i;
return i;
if (!session[s].opened)
- idle = time_now - session[s].last_packet;
+ idle = time_now - session[s].last_data;
idle /= 5 ; // In multiples of 5 seconds.
if (idle < 0)
idle = 0;
// default deny
return 0;
+tunnelidt lac_new_tunnel()
+ return new_tunnel();
+void lac_tunnelclear(tunnelidt t)
+ tunnelclear(t);
+void lac_send_SCCRQ(tunnelidt t, uint8_t * auth, unsigned int auth_len)
+ uint16_t version = 0x0100; // protocol version
+ tunnel[t].state = TUNNELOPENING;
+ // Sent SCCRQ - Start Control Connection Request
+ controlt *c = controlnew(1); // sending SCCRQ
+ controls(c, 7, hostname, 1); // host name
+ controls(c, 8, Vendor_name, 1); // Vendor name
+ control16(c, 2, version, 1); // protocol version
+ control32(c, 3, 3, 1); // framing Capabilities
+ control16(c, 9, t, 1); // assigned tunnel
+ controlb(c, 11, (uint8_t *) auth, auth_len, 1); // CHAP Challenge
+ LOG(3, 0, t, "Sent SCCRQ to REMOTE LNS\n");
+ controladd(c, 0, t); // send
+void lac_send_ICRQ(tunnelidt t, sessionidt s)
+ // Sent ICRQ Incoming-call-request
+ controlt *c = controlnew(10); // ICRQ
+ control16(c, 14, s, 1); // assigned sesion
+ call_serial_number++;
+ control32(c, 15, call_serial_number, 1); // call serial number
+ LOG(3, s, t, "Sent ICRQ to REMOTE LNS (far ID %u)\n", tunnel[t].far);
+ controladd(c, 0, t); // send
+void lac_tunnelshutdown(tunnelidt t, char *reason, int result, int error, char *msg)
+ tunnelshutdown(t, reason, result, error, msg);