// Copyright (c) 2002 FireBrick (Andrews & Arnold Ltd / Watchfront Ltd) - GPL licenced
// vim: sw=8 ts=8
-char const *cvs_id_l2tpns = "$Id: l2tpns.c,v 1.119 2005-08-10 11:25:56 bodea Exp $";
+char const *cvs_id_l2tpns = "$Id: l2tpns.c,v 1.128 2005-09-02 23:59:56 bodea Exp $";
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
CONFIG("packet_limit", max_packets, INT),
CONFIG("cluster_address", cluster_address, IPv4),
CONFIG("cluster_interface", cluster_interface, STRING),
+ CONFIG("cluster_mcast_ttl", cluster_mcast_ttl, INT),
CONFIG("cluster_hb_interval", cluster_hb_interval, INT),
CONFIG("cluster_hb_timeout", cluster_hb_timeout, INT),
CONFIG("cluster_master_min_adv", cluster_master_min_adv, INT),
void sendipcp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t)
- uint8_t buf[MAXCONTROL];
+ uint8_t buf[MAXETHER];
uint8_t *q;
+ LOG(3, s, t, "IPCP: send ConfigReq\n");
if (!session[s].unique_id)
session[s].unique_id = last_id;
- q = makeppp(buf,sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPCP);
+ q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPCP);
if (!q) return;
*q = ConfigReq;
void sendipv6cp(sessionidt s, tunnelidt t)
- uint8_t buf[MAXCONTROL];
+ uint8_t buf[MAXETHER];
uint8_t *q;
+ LOG(3, s, t, "IPV6CP: send ConfigReq\n");
- q = makeppp(buf,sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPV6CP);
+ q = makeppp(buf, sizeof(buf), 0, 0, s, t, PPPIPV6CP);
if (!q) return;
*q = ConfigReq;
uint16_t message = 0xFFFF; // message type
uint8_t fatal = 0;
uint8_t mandatory = 0;
- uint8_t authtype = 0; // proxy auth type
uint16_t asession = 0; // assigned session
uint32_t amagic = 0; // magic number
uint8_t aflags = 0; // flags from last LCF
uint16_t atype = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)b);
LOG(4, s, t, " Proxy Auth Type %d (%s)\n", atype, ppp_auth_type(atype));
- if (atype == 2)
- authtype = AUTHCHAP;
- else if (atype == 3)
- authtype = AUTHPAP;
case 30: // Proxy Authentication Name
if (*p == 5 && p[1] == 6) // Magic-Number
amagic = ntohl(*(uint32_t *) (p + 2));
- else if (*p == 3 && p[1] == 4 && *(uint16_t *) (p + 2) == htons(PPPPAP)) // Authentication-Protocol (PAP)
- authtype = AUTHPAP;
- else if (*p == 3 && p[1] == 5 && *(uint16_t *) (p + 2) == htons(PPPCHAP) && p[4] == 5) // Authentication-Protocol (CHAP)
- authtype = AUTHCHAP;
else if (*p == 7) // Protocol-Field-Compression
aflags |= SESSIONPFC;
else if (*p == 8) // Address-and-Control-Field-Compression
controlt *c = controlnew(2); // sending SCCRP
control16(c, 2, version, 1); // protocol version
control32(c, 3, 3, 1); // framing
- controls(c, 7, tunnel[t].hostname, 1); // host name (TBA)
+ controls(c, 7, hostname, 1); // host name
if (chapresponse) controlb(c, 13, chapresponse, 16, 1); // Challenge response
control16(c, 9, t, 1); // assigned tunnel
controladd(c, 0, t); // send the resply
if (amagic == 0) amagic = time_now;
session[s].magic = amagic; // set magic number
session[s].l2tp_flags = aflags; // set flags received
- LOG(3, s, t, "Magic %X Flags %X\n", amagic, aflags);
+ session[s].mru = DEFAULT_MRU;
controlnull(t); // ack
- // proxy authentication type is not supported
- if (!(config->radius_authtypes & authtype))
- authtype = config->radius_authprefer;
// start LCP
- sendlcp(s, t, authtype);
sess_local[s].lcp.restart = time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;
sess_local[s].lcp.conf_sent = 1;
sess_local[s].lcp.nak_sent = 0;
- sess_local[s].lcp_authtype = authtype;
+ sess_local[s].lcp_authtype = config->radius_authprefer;
session[s].ppp.lcp = RequestSent;
+ sendlcp(s, t);
case 14: // CDN
// Send hello
- if (tunnel[t].state == TUNNELOPEN && tunnel[t].lastrec < TIME + 600)
+ if (tunnel[t].state == TUNNELOPEN && (time_now - tunnel[t].lastrec) > 60)
controlt *c = controlnew(6); // sending HELLO
controladd(c, 0, t); // send the message
LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "No ACK for LCP ConfigReq... resending\n");
sess_local[s].lcp.restart = time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;
- sendlcp(s, t, sess_local[s].lcp_authtype);
+ sendlcp(s, session[s].tunnel);
change_state(s, lcp, next_state);
LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "No ACK for IPCP ConfigReq... resending\n");
sess_local[s].ipcp.restart = time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;
- sendipcp(s, t);
+ sendipcp(s, session[s].tunnel);
change_state(s, ipcp, next_state);
LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "No ACK for IPV6CP ConfigReq... resending\n");
sess_local[s].ipv6cp.restart = time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;
- sendipv6cp(s, t);
+ sendipv6cp(s, session[s].tunnel);
change_state(s, ipv6cp, next_state);
LOG(3, s, session[s].tunnel, "No ACK for CCP ConfigReq... resending\n");
sess_local[s].ccp.restart = time_now + config->ppp_restart_time;
- sendccp(s, t);
+ sendccp(s, session[s].tunnel);
change_state(s, ccp, next_state);
// No data in ECHO_TIMEOUT seconds, send LCP ECHO
if (session[s].ppp.phase >= Establish && (time_now - session[s].last_packet >= ECHO_TIMEOUT))
- uint8_t b[MAXCONTROL] = {0};
+ uint8_t b[MAXETHER];
uint8_t *q = makeppp(b, sizeof(b), 0, 0, s, session[s].tunnel, PPPLCP);
if (!q) continue;
config->debug = optdebug;
config->num_tbfs = MAXTBFS;
config->rl_rate = 28; // 28kbps
+ config->cluster_mcast_ttl = 1;
config->cluster_master_min_adv = 1;
config->ppp_restart_time = 3;
config->ppp_max_configure = 10;